Part 11

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Everyone was looking weirdly at Arohi who was very uncomfortably sitting beside Arjun on dining table. She could feel piercing gaze of his grandmother on her ever since he had announced her as his girlfriend. She gulped and looked at Arjun munching on his food totally unfazed.

"Sweetheart, Pass me the rice"

If he was not looking at her with those googly eyes and flashing that irritating smile then she would have totally thought he was talking to someone else.

"Thanks Darling" he said with a wink taking the bowl from her.

Arohi felt like she would faint any moment. Sweetheart! Darling!, he had no idea what havoc he was creating inside her.

"Bhai! When did this all happen? U in a relationship.." Romit, his younger brother asked with a clueless face.

Very slowly he put the spoon full of rice in his mouth before repeating the same words he had told Love at dinner with Ahluwalia clan.

"She is my P.A., we met daily and got attracted to each other."

Arohi looked at Dadi under her lashes and she looked totally unconvinced. God! If she found out that they are faking their relation then only god save them.

"Ha! U meet so many girls daily so that means u will get into relation with every other girl"

Ouch! That hurts.

Arjun glared at Romit making his smile drop. He entwined his hand with hers. "Not every girl is Arohi." he gazed in her eyes as he planted a small kiss on back of her hand. "No other girl stands a chance against her"

"Arohi Bhabhi u tell, how u fell for my so uptight Bhai?" Romit shifted her attention to her making her choke as he called her Bhabhi.

Rashi hit Romit's leg under table making him look at her puzzled. "What! I can't call her Arohi Di, that will create a scandal and she is elder to me so I can't call her by name also. Meri Maa k sanskar h mujh me" he added dramatically looking at Kumud who shook her head. "And Arohi Bhabhi do u have any problem, if I call u Bhabhi?" he looked at her expecting any objection.

Arohi nodded her head in denial stealing a glance at Arjun who had absolutely no expression on his face.

"ok then answer my question"

Arohi again looked at Dadi who has her eyes fixed on her as if curiously waiting for her answer.

"Once u get to know his real self hidden beneath this hard exterior, it's not at all difficult to fall for him" she was calculating her words before speaking. A slip of tongue either Dadi will know about their façade or Arjun will get to know about her true feelings. And both things are dangerous for her.

"Bhabhi, How bhai wooed u?" Rashi asked smiling

Arohi smiled back at her and thought of some convincing answer. A sly smirk grazed on Arjun's face as he looked interestedly at her.

"He didn't" First she thought of saying flowers, but none of his family member would have believed that. Her family bought that because they don't actually know him.

"Hell will freeze when he will try to woo someone" she murmured but the sharp look Arjun gave her she was sure he heard her.

"Huh" Rashi and Romit passed confused glances.

Arohi calmed herself and tried to play it cool "I mean we are talking about ur Bhai not SRK. He hasn't even ever brought flowers or chocolate for me"

Both his siblings chuckled nodding their head as they totally agreed with her.

"Arey Bhai is like that only. He always get these boring business magazines for me on my birthday"

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