Part 5

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"actually bua..."Arjun said leaning back on his chair..."I guess I should tell u whole story...some parts, which I am sure Arohi forgot to tell u" he said passing her an arrogant smile.

Bua very enthusiastically looked at Arjun waiting for him to tell her remaining parts..."So bua did she tell u about how she always used to make stupid excuses to see me? She used to come with all this non relevant issues. One day she came to me saying she doesn't know how to make a PowerPoint presentation...Being an IT professional, it was very amusing and horrendous to hear her say this..."

Everyone laughed except Arohi who was throwing daggers at him and in return he just gave her a tit for tat look...

"She also picked a fight with one of her colleague bcz she was drooling on me. Imagine seeing two girls snatching each other's hair and hurling hilarious insults!" he chuckled "I actually had to physically stop her from punching other girl" he shook his head.

Arohi pleaded him to stop as he was making it way more embarrassing for her...her bua was having her fill of laugh while mom was giving her disapproving looks...Dad was like yeah! My daughter is crazy and Dadi just couldn't stop giving her amusing looks.

But Arjun was not done yet..."and last but not least, there was nothing like I asked for a month or so...It was actually her and u know what she threatened me that she will jump out of window" "But that's not funny part...the funny part is, our office is on ground floor"

With that everyone roared with laughter and Arohi just sunk lower on her seat...She is never going to forgive her bua for bringing this topic up. She dared not to say anything what if Arjun made up some more embarrassing scenarios.

To spare herself from further humiliation she abruptly stood up and went to take deserts as everyone was done with their dinner.

Arohi walked outside with Arjun as it was time for him to leave...She was happy as the meeting went well...Apart from that little stunt at dining table,she was amazed and thankful to Arjun as he patiently answered everyone's question...

She peeked a glance at him who was walking looking straight with his usual poker face...she sighed. they stood face to face as they reached near his car...She should thank him for helping her out..she thought.

And god knows what took over her as she abruptly hugged him..."Thank u so much, Sir" "u literally saved me" she shrieked...his hard chest felt so good under soft hands...She was relishing in his warmth when her trace was broken by Bua's teasing voice from behind..."oye hoye! Romance-Shomance" She quickly pulled away...Embarrassment washed over her face as her action dawned upon her...what she was thinking hugging him! She mentally scolded herself. She couldn't even get herself to look at him.

"u forgot ur mobile inside" Bua said handling Arjun his mobile and mischievously whispered in Arohi's ear "don't take much time otherwise everyone will start wondering what is taking u so long!"

Arohi glared at her but she only giggled and went inside leaving her alone with Arjun. She feeling too awkward didn't look up at him and kept her eyes darted on ground.

"okay then! Good night Miss Arohi"

"Good Night Sir"

Arjun turned to step into his car but stopped and smirked looking at her...bending at her level he huskily whispered in her ear..

"It's ok Miss Arohi, Girls tend to lose their control around me"

And she was sure, she turned all shades of red with his comment. So typical of him to say something like that...grr! Why she had to do such a stupid thing!! She thought groaning inside.

"See u tomorrow Miss. Arohi" he spoke...thought she couldn't get herself to look at him but she could feel his smirk in his voice. She gave a slight nod and then heard opening and closing of car door. She looked above to find his car leaving.

Arohi walked inside office a little early than usual. She couldn't last sleep last night thinking about the hug and every time she thought about it a blush crept on her face like now. She has no idea how she is going to face Arjun today. It will be so awkward to face him and act like nothing happened, like he was not at her home last night pretending to be her boyfriend. She sighed dreamily why all that couldn't be true. Lost in her dreams she entered in his cabin with few file to keep on his desk before he arrives.

"Good Morning, Miss Arohi" a voice came from behind startling her and file fell from her hand.

Arohi turned to find devil standing with a smirk on his face and god swear he was looking so damn handsome that she couldn't stop staring at him but not to come put as some desperate she torn her eyes away from him .

"Good morning sir" she said in a quick and bent down to pick up the file she had earlier slipped.

She felt his enchanting cologne filling her nostrils as he came near to her. He too bent down in pretense of helping her and damn! She had a tiny heart-attack when she stared up and her eyes clashed with his. They were merely an inch away. She could feel his hot breath on her face. She needs to get up before she end up doing something stupid like she did last night. She quickly got up but in hurried movement her foot slipped and she was about to fall but Arjun caught her at right time.

His one arm was wrapped around her waist tightly and other was holding her from arm while her both hands were tightly clutching his shoulders.

"Careful, Miss. Arohi" he whispered huskily near her ear and helped her in balancing.

Every time her names roll out of his mouth she feels weird sensations in her stomach. It sounds so sensual in his voice.

She picked up the files she had dropped again and kept them on his desk "Thank u Sir, I should get going now" she courtly said and made a move to go but his next statement froze her in steps.

"I thought u thank people u did last night" his open reference to her impatient hug last night had her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Biting her cheek from inside she turned to face him..

"yeah! About that..I am sorry sir. I guess I was little too happy as everything went well" she said playing with her fingers and avoiding looking at him. She glanced at him when she was done with her apology and found an amused smile plastered smile on his face..."It's ok" he replied softly.

Arohi nodded and turned to leave but as some ritual when she reached near door, he again called her. Immersed in reading some file, he stated "Vaise u didn't need to apologize...u know I didn't mind that" looking above from file he winked at her and her jaw almost touched ground.

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