The Interviews (Hermione)

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Training went awful! Why couldn't have I just tried a little bit harder! I attempted at making a wand, but epically failed, so I just went to the plants station where I showed them what plants to eat and not to, and made a remedy. I'm very disappointed in myself. Although mister Potter got a ten. He must've done something cool to get such a good score. 

Today is the interview. I've been deciding what to come off as, and I think, well, know, that I'm going to do witty. It'll be a no-brainer. Although, I do wonder what I'm going to wear. I think of all of the possibilities, from a long-sleeved, breezy dress, to a tiny and tight one.  I think I would prefer a long one. But there is one last thing; I have no idea how I'm supposed to walk in heels. 

My mentor, Miss Ginne, comes into my room. "Hello, Hermione. Please put these on." She shoves six-inch heels into my face. Those look painful. I don't ever want to have to walk in these. I slide into them worrying that I might fall and make a fool of myself. They squeeze my feet in an odd way, but I think I've got this. It looks much harder on the television. I strut around my room, occasionally tripping. 

It's finally time to get ready. The prep team has me soak in a greenish goop so it'll make it easier for them to wax me again. I go into a shower but only stand in a thick fog. I feel soft when I step out. The team puts several cans of de-frizz in my hair and pluck my brows to perfection. None of this will matter when I'm dying in the arena. My bangs are clipped back and the rest of my hair is swept to the left. My stylist which name I still don't know walks into the room. "Hey-" "Malanda. You should know this." She ties my hair up into a curly bun and does delicate and dainty makeup. I look like a little girl. "Excuse me, I like this look and all, but don't you think you could make me look a little sharper?" She rolls her eyes and puts black eyeliner on me, fills in my brows, and makes my face a bit more chiseled. "Much better." She walks back in with a pretty turquoise dress with lace white covering every inch of it. The sleeves meet half way at my forearm and fan out the tiniest bit at the bottom. I slip it on feeling very pretty. She also gives me gorgeous pearl jewelry and heels encrusted with tiny diamonds and matching pearls. "Perfect." Malanda whispers. "Why don't we go and look at Neville?" 

He's wearing a turquoise suit with pearl cuffs. It's not the most exciting getup, but it still looks cool. We walk down to the stage where Gilderoy Lockhart sits next to the Head Gamemaker Dolores Umbridge. She's wearing a pink pantsuit and glittery flats. She disgusts me. After many boring interviews including Potter's, it's my turn. "Well hello!" he chirps. "Hello." "How are you doing today?" "Not well because I haven't mastered my polyjuice potion yet." "Polyjuice? Wow, that's advanced! Let's hear it for Miss Granger!" I get almost blasted away by all of the claps. "Now, would you say that you're good at magic?" I stop in my tracks. 

"I wouldn't say that...." I blush. "Alright. Let's see. Can you perform a Patronus charm like Mister Harry Potter?" I hear a huge applaud, and guess the camera is on Harry. "I'm working on it, I'm almost there." Gasps spread throughout the crowd. "You seem very smart! Now, do you have any older siblings that have helped you with this?" "No. I'm an only child." Gilderoy raises his eyebrows. I smile. "Wow. Now I've forgotten- what is the motion for Wingardrium Leviosa. Can you tell me?" "Um, it's LeviOsa, not LeviosA." Gilderoy looks stunned. "Wow. Back at home, do you have any friends or family you would like to say hi to?" "Yes, my cat Crookshanks and my Teacher Mrs. Figgle. Hello!" I wave to the camera and get several laughs in response. "You have parents, correct?" "Oops! I've forgotten them. Hi, mum, dad!" "Have you read my books? Well, you should read them because they're quite good, and you seem to be a reader, aren't you?" I nod. "Well, that looks like your time is up! May the odds be ever in your favor Miss. Granger!" 

Neville predictably pulls the goofball card, which works very well. I think the crowd likes me, but there's no telling. Tomorrow's the games, and I'll have to wait to wait 'till then to see.

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