The Beginning (Harry)

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Hey everyone, it's yellowmay06. I' trying out this thing that a lot of writers do where I write a little note before each chapter just to update you on everything that's going on. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for reading this fanfic, and for staying here up until the seventh (I think) chapter. Also if you didn't come from her, go and check out my friend's ( a-osullivan-a) Glee Hunger Games. So if you're a Gleek you'll love this awesome crossover. Alright! Thanks! 


Hermione's on watch first, but I can't seem to sleep. I'm shivering from head to foot, but then I slowly drift off. I'm so tired that I sleep like a baby for a little while. But then I hear something. Out of the ordinary. I sit up and make eye contact with Hermione. Her eyes are wide with anticipation. She points at Ron, who's shivering and his teeth are chattering. He's still in deep sleep. "I'll stay on watch with you, Harry." But right then Ron wakes up. "Hello?" He asks. "Oh, right. I forgot. I'm gonna die soon. Hey, Harry, I know this is gonna sound weird, but can we share a sleeping bag? I'm really cold. We can even unzip my sleeping bag and then ley it on top of us for extra warmth. I nod and we get situated. We're aiming to get four hours of sleep each, but Hermione calls the last watch. After an hour of boredom and looking into the blank sky, I have to wake Ginny for her watch. I don't really want her to do it alone since she's so little, but I leave her be. 

I wake to rustle and bustle around me. Obviously, I've slept in. There's still no sign of the sun, but the sky has become the slightest bit lighter. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny are packing everything away around us. I get up and out of my sleeping bag and pack my bag. "Morning." Hermione nods at me. "We have to get moving and find water. I'm parched." I say. "Well, if you really need water, fill your water bottle with snow and wait for it to melt. It's not the most effective, but it'll get you somewhere." Hermione explains. "Although it'll be a little while until we find a good amount of snow, so we have to keep moving. I wonder if Draco died. I fell asleep before the anthem. 

"Who died yesterday?" I ask. "Girl from six, Neville, Lavender, both from five, the boy from one, both from two, both from twelve, and one from nine." "Oh, thanks." I'm relieved by the fact that he isn't dead, but I wonder why- he isn't even in my district. We trudge on through the snow, getting colder as the elevations increases. "What's that?" Ginny stops in her tracks. "What?"      Hermione asks. "Do you hear that?" Everyone shakes their head. "C'mon Ginny, hurry on." 

We finally reach a point where there's enough snow to put into our water bottles. "Get as much as you can. We want a lot of good water." Hermione says. I hear my stomach rumble. "I'm hungry." I complain. "Well,  if you want food, we're going to have to back-track. There seems to be some vegetation coming up. Let's keep on moving." And right Hermione is. There are many evergreen trees, so Ron takes his knife out to get some sap. Slowly but surely, sap starts dripping out into our hands. It's sweet and sticks to my throat, but it's something to eat. I think about how the cameras will probably be on us 24/7. Nothing exciting is happening- I bet the gamemakers are getting bored. Wait- the gamemakers are getting bored so...."Run!" 

 I see a cloud of white in the distance. What can it be? Hermione told me to run, so I'm doing just that. "Go! Harry! Go!" I'm lagging behind because all I want to do is get a glimpse of what is happening. "Harry, don't you see, it's an avalanche!" We've learned about this in school, but I wasn't really paying attention. I jump off a ledge to catch up a bit. "Go! Go!" I see white inching my way. It's thick and heavy and goes up my nostrils slowly. "Harry! Harry! Hold onto a boulder!" Hermione screams. "Keep one arm up!" Ron bellows. I grab hold of the closest tree. White stuff fills my mouth and thwarts me from talking. I'm knee up in-  what is this stuff anyway? And then I have an epiphany. It's freezing cold snow. I'm going to die. This is it.

The leftover snow starts rolling down so I can't move at all. Now only my forearm is up and out of the snow. I start to squirm frantically trying to figure out which way is up, but then realize that my hand is pointing up. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Where has air gone? There isn't any air. Air! I need air! I start to panic. How can I breathe? I start going through all of my survival skills. "Meak aeer pookeets!" I hear Hermione scream once, and I remember. I try to move my arm up through the snow, but it's very heavy like cement. I finally get it up to my mouth and nose and make an air pocket. Ahh, sweet air. I never knew that I could take something so ordinary so for granted. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny are calling my name, but Ginny's voice is much closer than the other's."Gus! I 'ound haand!" I hear Ginny scream. "Hery! Wigle hure pinger ip you're alebe!" I wiggle my frozen fingers. "Heve alebe! Heve alebe! Coume ober 'ere!" I hear stomping and digging. My right arm is free. I wiggle it. They find some of my hair, so they dig out my head and torso. 

"We're gonna pull him out in three, two, one!" Ron roars. I'm now relieved from the pressure of the snow but am in immense pain. I can't move and feel encapsulated by the cold. "He needs to get warmer. Let's go downhill and let him lay in the sunlight to warm him up. He probably has frostbite or hypothermia. We need to hurry." They pick me up and help me walk down the hill, but I soon lose conscience due to the change in pressure. 

When I wake again I'm in my undergarments and lying on a blanket in the fields. I try to move my head but I'm too weak. I see Hermione, Ron, and Ginny trying to hunt, yet someone is by my side, feeding me and hydrating me. I pretend to still be asleep. The soft hands graze my face. They must notice I'm stirring because they draw back. "Draco, what're you doing?" "I'm now your ally." What? "No, wait, what?" "I should get going. You stay here and warm up for a little longer. I'm going to go and hunt and Ginny will come and nurse you next. Alright?" I don't have any time to respond before he plants a swift kiss on my lips. His are soft and quick, but mine are lagging behind. "Bye." He stands up and leaves. 

I'm sure the cameras are on me. 

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