Training (Harry)

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I walk down the Hall to dinner. We have to sit with the districts that we are sharing a house with. Swell. I'm in district four so I'm obviously a career. I doesn't help the fact that I'm abused by my Aunt and Uncle. I'm staying in a house with five and six, whose tributes aren't exactly nice.

 Betty Hanson. District five. Long caramel hair and browned skin. Vincent Crabbe. District Five. Heavy set with a shaved head. 

Millicent Bulstrode. District six. Strong and Hotheaded. 

Draco Malfoy. District six. Ferocious. Piercing gray eyes. Bleach blonde hair. Flawless, pale skin. Mysterious. And, oh so h-

I'm sitting down next to my stylist Arome and the girl from my district, Lavender Brown. She has long sandy locks and blue eyes. She seems nice, but she doesn't really have a personality. "Hey, Lavender." She smiles as she looks at me with her mouth full. My mentor, Mrs. Minerva gently sits down across from us. "Good job you two. You could have been better and flaunted a little more, but it was good. Very good. But it could have been better." We had been dressed with scaly tops and bottoms, and we slightly resembled mermaids. I could barely see a thing because they had me take off my glasses, but I could see one thing clearly; Draco. They had spinning gears all over them, but I could only see his eyes which were spinning in life. With all the spinning, I got dizzy, and Lavender had to keep me on my feet. "I think Harry likes Millicent." "I do not!" "He does too! He couldn't keep his eyes off of district six's carriage!" She says excitedly. The table looks over at us. I can feel my face getting hot.  But I do notice one thing; Draco is blushing too. 

The next few days we go down to training. I meet a very nice girl named Hairminee, although I can't remember. I try to really the memory. "Oh, you like knife throwing too?" "Um-" "I think it's fun, but it really is quite dangerous. Don't you think?" "Yeah, I guess-" "Me too. My name's Hermione." "Hirmeni?" "Hermione." "Hairminee?" "Oh forget about it." I think she almost hit me with a knife when she was throwing it, though I don't know if it was a mistake or not. I also met the kids from eleven. They were very warm and kind. The girl was amazed that I'm Harry Potter, and the boy just seems flabberghasted. The must be siblings. I met them in plants. They seem really nice. I might even form an Alliance with them.

It's the day. Tomorrow is the interview, and today is the private screening. I get into my little jumpsuit and eat some breakfast. I'm not that hungry. Lavender and I go down together practically shaking. "Hannah Abbott, district two." "We must be late," Lavender whispers as I nod. About thirty minutes later, it's my turn. I step in. My palms are sweating and my legs are shaking. This won't be easy. I then look into a corner. I'm not sure, but there's a broomstick and a case in a dusty corner. "Can I- Can I use this?" I say pointing to the corner. The gamemakers don't reply. 

I fleet over to the resented corner of the gym. I've played Quidditch in school, and I was okay, and anyway, it's all I know. I open up the case to let the snitch go. It zooms around making it difficult to see. Perfect. I hop onto the broomstick. It's a fantastic sensation, being in the air. I try to catch a glimpse of it. It's a lot easier playing in here because there are bright lights and not many distractions. I hope that they don't notice.  I catch a little glint of gold. I try to track it down but I lose it again. I'm up near the ceiling and I see it. It's heading for the Gamemakers. I pull into a dive and head for it. I'm going about eighty miles-per-hour when it jolts to the left. I snap to the left. It goes up. I follow. It's slowing down, and so am I. I extend my arm to reach it. Two, now three, darn it, now one inch away from it. I'm about one inch away from winning. Kind of. 

I wrap my fingers around it when my broom whips over. The snitch is still beating in my fingers when I have to do a sloth crawl. I finally land on the floor when the time is up and the announcer says that my time is up. I think I did well. 

Lavender apparently intentionally burnt herself and then made a remedy. It really only healed it partially. We sit down in the cozy Living room along with the three other districts. Hannah Abbot got an eight, and along the boy from her district. "Harry Potter, famous Harry Potter, the score is...." I hold my breath. "An eleven. That's fierce. Wow." Draco looks over at me and winks. I can't help but smile. 

The girl from seven got a nine, and the two from eleven sevens. They seem they might make good allies. 

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