Entering the games (Ron)

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I can't sleep. I toss, and I turn, but I can't seem to rest my eyes. Sleep seems so out of reach, so I decide to go down to the common room. 

My stylist Iffa, Ginny's stylist Shawne, my escorter Bexley, and my mentor Sprout, all whisper around a table. Bexley's hair is in a tight bun, and her nightgown touches the floor. "You're awake still! You better get some sleep pumpkin! Tomorrow's the big day, remember?" Bexley chirps. "He's obviously nervous Bexley! Come over here, sweetheart." Sprout ushers me toward the table. "What's wrong?" "Insomnia." I utter. "Of course. You see, I told you, Bexley! You should've bought some sleeping pills before they came!" "Well, how was I supposed to know!" "You've been working here for the past fifteen years!" They continue bickering, but I don't really mind. Anything to keep me out of that dreadful death-trap of a room. 

Iffa sits in my room because she has a theory it will help me sleep. I don't. I only drift in and out of a daze. I get out of bed at about five and take what may be my last shower. Unless I want to die, Ginny will have to die. I shake my head. Not Ginny. Never, ever Ginny. She's only twelve. Only twelve. I try to think of something else. I heard that Potter kid and Granger formed an alliance. She's really smart, not to mention pretty. But she seems a bit cold. Maybe if Ginny and I get with her and Potter, then she would warm up to me. I don't think so, I'm too much of a loser. I step out of the shower and pat my face dry. My prep team has told me to brush my hair and moisturize, so I do just that. 

I choose some simple jeans and a sweater and head to breakfast. I find Ginny and tell her my plan. She agrees. Of course she agrees. I try to catch Potter. "Hey, are you Mr. Potter? Harry?" He looks back at me. "Oh, yeah. What d'you need?" "An alliance." "What?" He asks, subconsciously ruffling his hair. "Would you like to form an alliance?" I say clearly. He blinks. "Yeah! But lemme go ask Hairminee. Hairminee!" He shouts. "It's Hermione by the way." He doesn't pay attention. "Yes, Harry." He looks over at us. "Hairminee, Ron, Ron, Hairminee." "Hermione." She scoffs. "Yeah, uh, Ron and his sister want to form an alliance." Harry talks very fast. "I never said anything about my sister, but yeah, um, that's what we would like to do." She considers this for a minute and then nods her head. "Alright. I know I really shouldn't do this, but ok. We have an alliance." She says shaking my hand. 

My stylist puts me in a simple grey shirt and layers a flannel and a puffy heat reflecting coat over it. She gives me two layers of socks and snow boots over it. Leggings are now under my jeans and a bobble hat is on my head. I sit in a Hovercraft next to Ginny when they insert the tracker into my arm. 

I step down onto the launch pad and then go into a special room with only Iffa. My palms are sweaty. My head starts spinning. I have to sit down on the floor. I wonder how Ginny is doing. Iffa squats down next to me. "Are you alright?" She asks holding my hands. "Yes. I'm fine. I just-" I let a single tear roll down my face. Iffa hugs me. "Shh. You're going to grab a mystery pack first and then run. Don't get anything else from the cornucopia." She says in a soothing voice. "Then get Harry, Hermione, and Ginny, and go and find water. Next, find food and then find a place to sleep. You've got this." I don't want to let go of Iffa. I never considered her a friend, but she's the last part of my old life. I've grown fond of her. "Ten seconds to get into your tubes! Ten, nine, eight...." Dolores' voice booms through the room. Iffa helps me up and into the tube. "May the odds be ever in your-" but then the tube seals around me. "-be ever in your favor." I finish her words in a whisper. 

The bottom of the tube rises. I smell the fresh air. I can see mountains in the distance, and grassy plains leading to the cornucopia. I look over to Ginny. She's panting slightly, but her eyes are on the prize. "Ginny! Ginny!" I point to the cornucopia and shake my head. She seems perplexed but then notifies the others. "Five, four, three, two, one!" 

I jump off of my pad and run to the cornucopia where I pick up two mystery packs; one for me, one for Ginny. I can see Hermione being slammed to the ground by a pale boy. Harry runs up behind her and pulls her up. "Ginny!" I call. She runs over to me. "Here, take this." I hand her a pack. "Follow me." We run over to the other two almost tripping over dead bodies. "Harry! Grab a pack! Get one for Hermione too!" As I shout this, I have to push Ginny to the ground because someone tries to throw a knife at her. I pick it up and off of the ground. Just one more weapon for me. 

We run up into the mountains, getting colder the longer we walk. We stay close together to maintain body heat. The sun is setting when we seem to have found a good place to stay. It's a tiny indent in the rocks, which provides a bit of shade from the icy sun. Hermione is limping because the pale boy managed to cut open her ankle. Luckily her pants and socks have been soaking the blood up. "Let's go through our packs."

I find two sheer blankets, a sleeping bag, two energy bars, an empty water bottle, an extra pair of socks, a hat, and bandages. Hermione has painkillers, freeze-dried fruit, crackers, a gord, a hat, and water purifier. Ginny has a sleeping bag, hand sanitizer, bandages, gloves, a loaf of bread, and a flashlight. Harry has a sleeping bag, a blanket, an energy bar, a watch, and ointment. 

"Come on, let's get ready for bed. The sun is setting, so we should get to bed early so we can get up early." Ginny and Hermione share a sleeping bag to stay warm, and Harry and I get our own. We spread the blankets across us and huddle up to stay warm The first-night hasn't been so bad after all. Hermione has first watch.

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