Lust Touch (Hermione

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Hey, everyone! I'm really sorry that I didn't upload the past two days. I really just haven't felt inspired, and there was no motive for me to write.Anyway, I really hope you, well, not enjoyed, but thought my last chapter was good. Please share with your friends and vote if you're enjoying this story so far. Also if you haven't already, go and check my friend a-osullivan-a out because she's doing a Glee Hunger Games, so if you're a Gleek you'll love it! Thanks again!



Ron wakes me to do my watch. Silent snow falls onto the thick mass that covers the ground. I decide that after a half hour I'm tired, so I go and snuggle up next to Ron. It's nice sleeping in someone's arms. I feel safe, but there's nothing weird about it. I just feel like he's protecting me. 

I wake to birds chirping in the distance. I'm awake earlier than everyone else, so I start to pack up. I notice my stomach rumbling, so I decide to shoot down a few birds with Draco's bow and arrows. I wake everyone up, and we start a quick fire so that we can cook the food. After we're done we wrap it in cloth and continue through the mountains. They get more ragged as we walk, but we find some berry bushes. Draco deciphers if they're poisonous or not, and decides that they're probably fine, but that we should feed some to a rabbit first. I try to revolt, but Ron doesn't have an opinion and Harry predictably sides with Draco. I think we should split to get food. I know I should keep Harry with us, but I have a bit of trust on Draco, so I propose the idea. Everyone agrees, so Harry and Draco go up the mountain, and we go to the right. We decided to meet at the foot. 

Ron and I help each other through the narrow and sharp nooks. We sit down next to where a river would be during the summer to eat a little bit of food. "What's it like in thirteen?" I ask. "Well, it's a very big district, you know, so when we have to go to the square, carriages come by and pick the wealthier families up. What about seven? I doesn't seem much more fun." "It seems smaller, and making wands isn't the easiest thing to do, but it's very laid back. I wish I could live in eleven." Ron looks confused. "Why so?" "Because I'd get to be with you. I don't have many friends, and I think we've really bonded." We sweeps my bangs out of my face and brushes my forehead with a kiss. 

When we reach our meeting place, Draco and Harry show up holding hands. When they see us though, they immediately part and blush a little bit. I think that they have something together. 

We're starting to eat dinner when a big rush of water streams down to where we are. Ron holds my hand to start taking me away from the water, but I grab Harry's hand too so that he can come along. 

After about fifteen minutes, the water stops flowing creating many rivers and ponds. The mountains are now clear of snow, and now only hard rock stands in its place. "Woah," Ron says. "That's a lot of water." Draco rolls his eyes and says, "You think?" "Hey, let's go collect some," I say.

The mountains are measurably more difficult to walk, and since it's hotter we have to take more breaks. It's a while until we find a stream. I notice we haven't bathed for about two weeks, so we step into the chilly water, clothed and all. It feels amazing, bathing. It's refreshing, and I feel like a new person. I dunk my head under the water and scrub my head a little bit with my hands. Chunks of leaf and dirt emerge from it. Eww. I get out so that Draco an Harry can have a turn. Ron leans down to get some water. "Ron! Stop it! We need to go upstream because there will be a lot less dirt there since our grime will travel mostly downstream." We walk upstream for about a half mile and squat down to get some water. "And don't drink it yet. We're going to boil it and then purify it afterward." "How come?" "We want to make sure that it's clean. We were just bathing in water when we've only drunk snow for the past two weeks or so! This water is dirty." Ron rolls his eyes and starts a small fire. I put my metal water bottle over it and wait for the bubbles

After a while, steam is emitting from the top, and smoke is rising from the fire. We burn it out with the dirty water from the stream and then purify it. All f our water bottles were over the fire, so we all have a bit. We begin to walk back up, but I hear something. Hsss, hisss, hiss, his, lvvvvv, lvve, love, shhnnn, shnnt, shaannt, shan't, bbeeee, bee, be......   

And then it stopped. "Do you hear that?" I say stopping everybody in their tracks. "No," I hear a scream. No one is screaming, but Harry is looking right at me. I see a mass of black cloaks materializing over the horizon.  My breathing is being taken away in sharp gasps. The figures draw nearer. My eyes are drawing heavy. Every last happy memory, every last hope I'm going home, every drop of cheerfulness, is being sucked from my conscience. I must look awful because Ron puts his arm around me. "Are you alright?" His voice goes in through one ear, echoes around my brain, and goes out through the other. I fall on my knees, trying my very hardest not to completely fall over. Ron tries pulling me away, but I stay rooted. They're getting closer. One hovers over my body, lowering its mouth over mine. Then a parachute drops from the sky. My vision is hazy and all I see is Harry opening it to find a wand. A silvery mist erupts from the end. Then I faint.

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