The Ally (Hermione)

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Hello! I really hoped all of you enjoyed my last chapter! Also, thank you for coming this far, and don't forget to vote if you enjoy!  Thanks! 



It's my turn to look after Harry, so I run back to our camp. We've taken canvas and plastic from the tributes we've killed, and used them on top of branches to create a tent. Harry's recovering well, but he's still very weak. He can't stand up and he constantly has a fever. 

"Hi, Harry. I got some water, so drink up." He takes the bottle and chugs it. "Good. Would you like a wet cloth?" He nods. I take a piece of cloth from one of the tributes we killed and wet it. We instantly relaxes when I put the wet fabric on his face. There isn't much to do, so I just feed him a little bit of bird and let him rest. I take off my pack and give him another cloth so the one he's using can cool down a bit in the patchy snow. 

When I get back with more water from the crystal-like snow, Harry is sitting up and making the tent sturdier with his nimble fingers.  "Hi- Harry, what exactly are you doing?" He looks at me. "I'm making better knots because you guys did them, and you know that I'm good with knots." I sit down beside him. "Teach me." He teaches me the most difficult and easy, and all of the pretty and concise ones. By the time he's done, Ginny comes to the camp. "Hello, Ginny. Change Harry's cloth every fifteen minutes, and get water every time you do. Okay, be careful." I grab my pack and head for the mountains.

 I meet Ron and Draco at the foot of the jagged pieces of rock. I see Ron scratching at something on his leg, and Draco sitting beside him. "What's wrong?" "I dunno, I just have some sort of itchy boil. It'll be fine, I'll just take painkillers when we get back. Let's keep going." we cut through the mountains careful not to step in any traps. "You know, I'm only doing this ally thing because-" Draco starts. "-because of Harry, yes we've figured." Ron cuts him off to avoid him saying anything that the Capitol wouldn't like. "No," "Yes! You're in love with him, aren't you?" Draco blushes. "Listen!" I scream. The ground is shaking madly as is it wanted to shimmy us off of the map. 

We run back down to the plains as fast as we can. Ginny and Harry obviously haven't felt it because they're still in the tent. "Harry! Ginny!" We scream. "Ginny! GInny! Get Harry out of the tent!" We run down off of the Mountains and into the camp. "Ginny! Harry! Grab your pack!" I run into the tent. "Get out! Ginny, take harry out! I'll grab the packs and disassemble the tent. Go!" Ginny helps Harry out of the tent and Draco sits him back down on the ground. I quickly grab Harry's and Ginny's packs and only get three or four pieces if plastic and canvas each before the ground starts to shake. I run out of the tent to where Ron stands shaking. A crack unfolds right under where our camp used to be. Ginny scrambles to move away from the dividing crack, but she falls in holding onto the ledge for dear life. 

"Ginny!" Ron runs over to Ginny, but he can't help her out because she's on the other side. She's crying, her fingers slipping by the second. "Draco!" Ginny's legs are dangling into the unknown abyss. Ginny looks down. There's a slight concave where Ginny can place one of her feet. "Help her!" Draco tries to help her out, but it's difficult because she isn't the calmest. "C'mon! Help her!" "Ginny, see that little nook? Put your right foot in there. It'll help boost you up. Draco, hold her wrists. When I count to three, Ginny's going to boost herself, and Draco will pull her up so she can swing her left leg over the ledge. I'll give you two further instructions after." I'm really taking this under my reigns, but what else am I supposed to do? Just stand there? "Ok, one, two, three!" Draco pulls Ginny up with all of his might, and Ginny swings her leg over the ledge. "Ok, now pull her backward instead of up so she can swing her other leg up." SO Draco does just that, and right in time because the gap starts to close, and all of the remains of our camp are gone. 

Ginny is sobbing, Draco is mumbling, Harry is shuddering, and Ron is trembling. I'm the only one who is fine. There have been many earthquakes in seven, so I know how to handle this type of stuff. "Shh, Ginny, it's fine, you're okay, you're alive, you didn't fall, it's okay. It's ok." She looks up at me. "I'm hungry." I should've known. We're almost out of crackers and energy bars and whatnot, and there's barely any food around here. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're all dying of starvation. Maybe we should just wait to die this way. It'd be much less painful." Draco lolls. Right then a large silver parachute wavers down from the sky. "A sponsor!" Ginny screams. In the parachute, there's a loaf of bread, a can of broth, two apples, and a block of cheese. "I'm so hungry I can't wait to-" "Ginny, be mindful. We have to savor this. We can each have a bit of broth, a bit of bread, and a bite of one of the apples. Remember, this is the Hunger Games." Then, another big parachute drops from the sky, containing the same stuff as the last one, but we only decide to eat a little bit more. 

After we finish eating, we go up into the mountains to find a camp. I guess that earthquake was good because if we had stayed there any longer people could probably find us. We decide to stay low down on the mountains incase we need to go back to the fields. We decide not set up the camp and start a fire in the ground for a minute instead. I know we shouldn't, but we do anyway. The arena is huge this year, so why not? We warm up for a half hour, and then pack up. As we advance up the hill, we get more and more tired and need to take lots of breaks. It's now almost eight and the sun is setting. "I can't wait to win the games. I don't want any of you to die, but I just really want to win. My family would be so rich." Ginny says excitedly. Ron glares at her. We decide to set up in a little cranny in the rocks. We get some branches to set up the canvas and plastic and wait for the anthem to play. A few faces flash in the sky. We're now down to the top eight. The both of the tributes from one and one from two are all still alive. 

Ginny is on watch after me, so she goes third. I don't sleep well because I don't have a good feeling about Ginny being alone. I never do. 

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