14-Katie & I Love You's

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It had been a while since me and Katie hung out, so today we are going out together. It's Saturday, and I'm currently doing my makeup. Once I was finished getting ready, I went downstairs. I watched some TV, before the door swung open.

"I'm home!" Katie yelled, causing me to laugh.

Sometimes I wish I never gave her that spare key.

"Hey, K!" I giggled.

"Hey, Em! You ready?" She asked, smirking at me.

"Yup, let's go!" I replied, grabbing my purse.

We got into her car, and started down the road. We sang along to Strip That Down by Liam Payne, before I got a phone call. I opened it up, looking at the caller ID.


Oh no. I quickly turned down the radio, answering the call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Baby! I just wanted to know if you could hang out?" He asked.

"Uhmm, I'm sorry, I can't, I'm with Katie today." I said, looking over at her.

"Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow." He replied.

"Alrght." I said, casually.

"I love you." He added.

"Okay, bye." I replied, hanging up.

I felt awful for not saying I love you back, but Katie can't know. So I texted him.

(S-Shawn; E-Emily)

E- "I love you, too, Baby! Sorry I didn't say it, Katie is with me!💖"

S- "That's Okay. Hope you have a great day, Beautiful!😍😘"

E- "You too, Handsome!😘"

I smiled as I texted him, causing Katie to smirk at me.

"Who are you texted, and why are you smiling?" She asked, nudging my shoulder.

"It's just my mom, she said something funny. Now drive, before you get us killed!" I lied, and she laughed.

"If you say so!" She said, returning her attention to the road.

The rest of the car ride, we were just singing along to the radio, and laughing. After a while we finally reached the mall. We parked and went inside.

"Forever 21, here I come!" Katie said loudly, causing me to laugh.

We shopped for a while, before going to get some lunch. While we were eating, we just made small talk.

"So..." Katie said, from across the table.

"So, what?" I smiled.

"Are there any boys?" She smirked.

"Why are you so interested in my love life?" I asked, rolling my eyes, causing us both to laugh.

"Just wondering." She said.

"Well, to answer your question, no." I replied.

I felt awful for lying to her, but obviously I can't tell her. Just imagine...

"Oh yeah! I'm dating my older history teacher!"

That wouldn't end well. After we ate, we shopped some more, and then went home. Katie dropped me off, and I knew parents weren't home. Right before I walked in, arms wrap around my waist, making me jump.

"Hi, Baby." Shawn whispered, kissing behind my ear.

I turned around, and he was standing there, with a smile on his beautiful face.

"Hey, Shawn." I smiled, pecking his lips.

"How did you know I was here?" I added, walking it my house.

"I saw Katie drop you off." He replied, walking in behind me.

"Oh. Well my parents aren't home, so what do you want to do?" I asked, flopping onto the couch.

Shawn sat next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Cuddle." He said quietly, burying his head into my neck.

I smiled, turning around.

"You know, the couch isn't that comfortable." I said.

All of a sudden, I felt Shawn pick me up, bridal style, and carry me upstairs. I giggled, holding on to him. He dropped me onto the bed gently, and laid next to me. He wrapped me in his warm arms, and I laid my head on to his chest.

"I love you, Shawn." I mumbled, against his chest.

"I love you, too, Babygirl." He replied, holding me tighter.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Follow us for more! Love you!

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