16- Bullied

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I walk down the halls of the crowded school. I never really made any friends at this school. Just Katie. I actually have a secret, that I've been bullied here. I don't want to tell Shawn though, because he will get upset. As I continue down the halls, I feel people's eyes on me. They laugh, or point at me. I look down, trying to hide my face as I continue to class. I don't know why they tease me. They call me things like worthless or ugly. You see, the thing about me is that if something bad happens to me, I usually block out those emotions and ignore them. I turn around and smile like nothing happened. I've never told anyone, but Katie, that I get bullied. The only time it ever happens is when Katie isn't around. Everyone knows that if Katie is around, she won't have it, and they'll get it. That's why I'm around her so much, but today she wasn't here. I continued on to Shawn's class, as I had him first period today. I walked in, luckily I was first, and closed the door gently behind me. Shawn looked up at me, smiling and standing up.

"Hey Beautiful." He said, walking over to me.

"Hey Handsome." I replied, smiling slightly, and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"How is your day so far?" He asked, playing with the tips of my hair.

"It's good." I smiled.

Shawn leaned in, kissing my lips softly for a few seconds, before I pulled back, walking to my seat. Shawn returned to his desk, taking out his phone. Soon enough, students started to swarm into the classroom. The seat next to me was empty, because Katie wasn't here. I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over, and my eyes met with my least favorite person. Kai Smith. Kai was the main bully, and I definitely was not comfortable with him sitting next to me. Shawn assigned our homework and let us work on it for the remainder of the period. I pulled out my history book, and notebook. Before I started to write, I felt a piece of paper land on my desk. I unfolded it and read it.


I rolled my eyes, tossing the piece of paper back onto Kai's desk. He smirked, and pulled out a notebook.

"Stop it, Kai!" I whispered, as he poked me, and kicked my desk, quietly, so Shawn wouldn't hear.

He ignored me and continued.

"Mr. Mendes, may I move seats?" I asked, with pleading eyes.

He nodded with a concerned face. I moved to a seat where no one was sitting next to me, and continued with my work.

"I guess someone was too scared to sit next to Kai." Someone said, causing the class to erupt in laughter.

"Everyone quiet!" Shawn boomed, and the class went silent, everyone returning to the assignment.

I kept my eyes on my history book before I felt my phone vibrate.

Handsome 💕: You're coming over after school

I looked up at him, his eyes digging into mine, as I nodded slowly. The rest of the day went by slowly and when it finally ended, I made my way to Shawn's classroom. He was sitting in his desk, but looked up when I walked in.

"Hey." I said, quietly.

"Come on." He replied, motioning me with his head.

I followed him out to his car, before climbing into the passengers seat. The drive was silent, as he drove us down the road. He would take an occasional, concerned glance at me, every few minutes. I watched him as he drove, his hands gripping the steering wheel, and his eyebrows furrowed together, as he focused on the road. I could tell that he was in deep thought. Once we arrived at his house, I texted my mom that I was hanging out with some friends, before following Shawn into the house. I sat on the couch, as Shawn sat next to me. He looked up at me, with worried eyes before he spoke.

"What happened?" He questioned, quietly.

"What are you talking about?" I said, pretending like I didn't know.

"You know what I'm talking about. What happened in the classroom?" He continued to ask.

I looked down, thinking of a way to tell him.

"They bully me." I said simply.

"W-What?" He replied, shocked.

"I get bullied. A lot actually." I confessed, looking into his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, guilt spread across his face.

"I didn't want you to worry." I said, my eyes started to tear up.


He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. That's when I lost it. Every emotion that I had kept bottled up for so long, all just seemed to pour out. I started to cry into his chest, holding on to him. He rubbed my back, soothingly, as I continued to sob into his t-shirt.

"Shhh, it's okay, Baby. It's gonna be okay." He assured me, kissing my forehead.

"I-Im sorry." I cried, lifting my head up.

"What are you sorry about?" He frowned, playing with the tips of my hair.

"For not telling you." I replied, and he shook his head.

"Babygirl, you don't have to be sorry." He told me, cupping my cheek softly, and caressing it with his thumb.

"I love you." I said, resting my forehead against his.

"I love you, too, Beautiful." He replied, connecting his lips to mine.

Once we pulled back, I hugged him tightly, burying my face into his chest.

"I'll take care of it, okay?" He told me, and I nodded.

I really liked this chapter. Thanks for reading! Love you guys! Xoxo ~Mom ❤❤❤

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