20-Secret's Out

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I furrowed my eyebrows as I read the message. What does she mean 'I have some explaining to do'?

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked, as we pulled into his driveway.

I turned my phone to face him, showing him the message. His eyebrows furrowed together also. He looked up at me confused.

"What?" He asked, handing me my phone.

"I don't know. I'll talk to her tomorrow though. I'm with you right now." I told him, smiling, and putting my phone in my pocket.

We went inside, and sat on the couch. Shawn sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I laid my head on his chest, and smiled.

"So... Movie?" He asked.

"Movie." I giggled.

*The Next Day*

I woke up the next morning, getting out of bed, and checking the clock on my phone. I groaned realizing that I had school, but noticed that I got a Snapchat from Shawn. I smiled as I opened it up, looking at the picture he sent me earlier this morning. (Picture above^^^) I sent him a picture of me with the caption 'Good morning, Handsome!😘'. I got up and dressed, before heading downstairs to eat. After I ate breakfast, I told my parents bye and waited for Katie. After a few minutes she got here. I hopped into the passengers seat, and looked over at her. She shot me a tight smile and began to drive off.

"Why didn't you answer my text last night?" She asked, keeping her attention to the road.

"Sorry, I was busy." I said, looking over at her.

"Yeah, too busy making out with your teacher." She replied, rolling her eyes.

I immediately froze. My jaw dropped slightly, and my eyes went wide.

"W-What are you talking about?" I stuttered, still completely frozen.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! I saw you and Mr. Mendes kissing in the classroom yesterday. Don't deny it, bacause I saw it with my own eyes." She said, frustrated.

"Katie, please don't tell anyone." I pleaded.

"Emily, what are you doing? You are going to get you both in so much trouble. Do you realize that he could get fired and even go to jail? And you would earn a horrible reputation!" She said, turning into the parking lot of the school.

"I know, but Katie I love him. Please, just keep it a secret." I begged, and she shook her head.

"You don't love him, and he doesn't love you. I won't tell anyone, just because you're my best friend, but you're being manipulated, and he's using you. I'm just trying to protect you." She sighed, parking the car.

"You don't know anything about our relationship! We do love each other! I don't need you to protect me. This is my life, and my relationship, and you can't tell me that I don't love him, because I know I do." I said, leaving the car, and slamming the door in the process.

I walked into the school, noticing that we were early, and grabbed my stuff out of my locker. I quickly made my way to Shawn's class, thankful that I had him first period. I set my bag down at my desk, and walked towards Shawn. He smiled, wrapped his arms around me.

"Shawn, she knows." I said against his chest.

"W-Who knows?" He asked, nervously.

"Katie. She said that you don't love me, and I don't love you, and that you're just using me." I replied, looking up at him with teary eyes.

"Come here, Baby." He whispered, pulling me back into his chest.

I hugged him tight, as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Is she going to tell anyone?" He asked, playing with my hair.

"No, she said she wouldn't because I'm her best friend, but she's not too happy about it. She said that she's trying to protect me, because I'm being 'manipulated'." I sniffled, wiping my eyes.

"Baby, please don't believe that. I would never use you. I love you too much to lose you." He said, holding me tighter.

"I tried telling her that, but she didn't believe me." I replied.

"It doesn't matter if she believes it or not. I just wanna make sure that you know that I love you." He said, lifting up my head, as I nodded.

"I love you too." I said, leaning in and kissing his lips, softly, and returning to my seat.

Here's another chapter! This one was really fun to write! What do you think will happen now that Katie knows? Will they still be best friends? Leave what you think in the comments! Thanks for reading! I love you guys! Xoxo ~Mom ❤❤❤

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