Chapter 5: Silly Idea

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"W-What do you mean by marrying you...?!"

"You should've seen your face, Lucy." "Hahaha... It's priceless." Gray made a chuckle, confusing the poor girl.

"Hey, what's up with you joking all of a sudden?!" She made a strong response. Gray's odd behavior had really bewildered her, at first he was so serious, and now, he's making a joke. What's up with this guy? She thought.

"I just wanted to make you laugh. You were crying since yesterday and I didn't do anything to cheer you up, but, seeing your reaction now, it looks like I've failed." Gray explained sheepishly.

"Oh... It doesn't matter. Thank you, though, f-for trying." Lucy timidly responded.
Lucy felt that it wasn't necessary to thank him for doing that, but, she saw sincerity in his eyes when he told her his intension.
"That was nothing..." He knelt down once again to meet Lucy's level. He met her gaze and this time, his eyes were back to being serious.
"Although, we need to be cautious with our actions Lucy. We should pretend that we are not from Fairy tail and we don't work together as comrades... I-It's better if we let other people think we're settling in this place as a c-couple, y-you know, they might suspect, but if you're not comfortable we could just think of other plans, and-"

"It's okay, I know what you're tryin' to say." Lucy interrupted him, as he stuttered in his own explanation. Gray just couldn't believe her. Usually, when Lucy is put to situation where it involves the word 'couple', he could really feel her agitation, yet, now, he was seeing a mature version of his friend.

"I'm aware of this mission's importance, Gray. And in order to do that, we should make ourselves more believable to the people's eyes. We should plan on whatever we say when somebody will ask about us, about our relationship."

"So what do you suggest in order for us to be more believable?" He curiously asked the celestial mage.

Lucy sighed deeply, as if she will be doing something that even she couldn't believe herself. She tapped Gray's shoulder, which to her, was a gesture to brace himself to whatever she will tell him. He took a glance of her friend's arm and suddenly felt himself blush a little. He shrugged himself off to whatever he felt that time, and instead, he looked at Lucy with impassive eyes, which she didn't mind. She even continued speaking,

"Where do you think can we have a marriage ceremony?"

Gray was shocked. He couldn't seem to fathom if Lucy was just kidding to get back at him.
"A-Are you serious about this?"

"Yes, why?" Lucy replied, her tone had a mixture of slight antic and determination.

"Do you realize, there's no turning back when we do this, right?"


"Do you realize that after we take our vows, we now become a couple forever, 'till death do us part'?"

"Of course... Besides, it will only be a fake wedding, Gray, what's the big deal? Wait a minute, don't tell me?"

"Yeah right, you got me." Gray drew a breath, while, he crossed his arms against his chest.

"Oh my goodness, you thought we will be doing the real thing. Haha... Now, you made me laugh..."

Gray was now embarrassed with their conversation. He really thought Lucy was planning to get themselves married to a real wedding. It's not like he wanted it to happen, but, if it does, then, it isn't so bad after all. Lucy is pretty and kind, and she... wait, is he thinking of her that way? No, it shouldn't be.

"Hello, earth to Gray?" Lucy snapped her fingers, breaking off his trance.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"I told you, we can ask some locals here, as to where we can have the ceremony. I happened to talk with an old guy yesterday. Maybe, we can ask him tomorrow." Lucy suggested.

"There's someone I met actually, and she has been helping me ever since. If you want we can ask her."

"That's great, is she coming tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know when she's coming. I don't even know where can we find her. We are sort of in the same situation, you know...hiding from certain people." He hesitantly told her.

"Oh, but, we need to do this the soonest, Gray. How about we go to the old man's place tomorrow, would that be fine?"

"Fine, but as I've said we have-"

"... to be careful. Trust me, I know, Gray. You have said that too many times already, and as I've told you too, I understand. You just have to play this along with me, and I, as well with you. Get it?" Lucy suggestively spoke to him, before giving him a wink.
"Got it..." Gray responded gladly. To him, Lucy being here, giving them the upper hand with their plan was fascinating. Her presence surprisingly took out a little burden lurking inside him.

After a short while, both of them went to the table to begin their specific plans.

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