Loosing Hope

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~Elsa's P.O.V.~

Jack and i had been on the road for a while and i had no idea where we were. "Hey Jack?" i asked glancing to him. "Yeah?" he replied as i continued looking through the window. "Where are we?" i asked raising a brow as i saw some ice and snow forming on the road after we were driving down the road. "Almost were we need to be." he continued. I hated when he was being sarcastic sometimes. Others he was cute and stuff but in a crises like this not so much.

~Jack's P.O.V~

The storm was still very close but we were almost there. I rounded another corner and that's when i heard it. It sounded like lightning, but unfortunately i was wrong. I turned my head to see an old oak tree breaking at the roots. I tried to out drive it but failed, and then it happened. "Elsa no!" i yelled trying to lift the tree from on top of her. I slowly drifted off and before i new it all i could see was black.


~Anna's P.O.V.~

I couldn't believe that Elsa and Jack got in a wreck that involved with a tree. Krisstoff and i came as soon as we could to the hospital across the street from Starbucks. Krisstoff of course went across the street to get some ice coffee for me and some regular coffee for himself, so i was alone, in the hallway, sitting on a cold bench, waiting for the doctor to say something about either Jack or Elsa. "Are you here for Jack or Elsa, miss?" a doctor appeared in front of me. "Uhh yes, actually both of them." i replied standing up slowly expecting bad news that always happens in the movies. "Well Jack is doing pretty well, but i do believe he has a broken knee cap." she said looking down to her chart. "And as for Elsa, well she wasn't as fortunate, she is in a permanent coma..." she continued softly. My body lost all motion, i felt like i was paralyzed. I dropped to my knees i was going to loose the only person left in my family, the only person that understood me, my sister. "But if you would like you can go see Jack, he is in room 245 and Elsa is next to him." the doctor said as she pointed to the room in front of me. "Thanks..." i said holding back tears and standing to my feet.

~Elsa's P.O.V.~

The last thing i remember was hearing Jack yell for me, nothing else. I don't even remember if we got away or not. I felt super cold and i had no idea why. Then suddenly i heard Anna in a faint whimper. "Elsa, i am so sorry. I should have been the one to be like this." she continued to cry and i felt her hand grab mine. "Elsa please come back, i need you, Jack needs you, you are all we have left." i heard her say as she left and shut the door. When she left i felt really cold, as if i was freezing to death or something. Suddenly i could see, but not only that but i could see myself laying on the hospital bed, lifeless. "W-what is this?" i said out load knowing that no one could hear me. I started walking to the door when the nurse walked in with some supplies. "I feel horrible for her family. They won''t ever get to talk to her again." she said placing the supplies on the table next to me, well my lifeless part. "Wait what! Why?" i yelped as i grabbed the nurses arm, but i didn't really grab it, it slipped right through. "What happened to me." i said walking out the door to find Anna, and Jack.

~Jack's P.O.V.~

"Hey Jack." i heard Anna say from the door-way. "Oh hey." i replied looking up at the sealing. It was all my fault that Elsa was in the hospital, and i couldn't do anything to help her. "So how are you doing?" she continued, but i could tell she was hiding something. "Okay i guess, but where is Elsa?" i asked looking to Anna and slightly sitting up. Anna started crying and covered her face. "Anna what's wrong, where is Elsa?" I continued asking becoming very worried now. "S-she isn't doing to good...she is in a permanent coma, Jack." Anna said dropping to the floor with tears rushing down her face. "What!? No how could this have happened to her! This is all my fault..." i said as i felt a tear fall to my cheek. I looked up to see a familiar figure on the other side of the room. "Elsa?" i said softly sitting up. "What? Jack what are you talking about she is in the room next to us." she said wiping the tears from her face. "No look she is right there!" i yelled and pointed to Elsa's shadow like figure.

~Anna's P.O.V.~

Jack must be crazy, i knew Elsa wasn't there, she was in the room next to us, or so i thought. "Anna, Jack?" i heard a voice come from behind me. "Elsa?" i said slowly turning around. "Anna is that you?" she answered also very soft. "Yeah!" i said running over to her but as i went to hug her i went right through. "What was that about?" Jack said as he stood up from the hospital bed. "I don't know, it has done that ever since i was lifted from my body." she replied "Lifted from your body?" me and Jack said in unison. "Don't ask..." she continued. "Elsa, why are you wearing a blue dress? Not saying you don't look amazing." Jack said walking over to Elsa. "I'm in a what now?" she said looking to her body in shock. "Weird i could have sworn i was in one of them old hospital gowns." Elsa said twirling in a circle. "Elsa...are you dead...?" I asked as my voice began to crack.

~Elsa's P.O.V.~

When Anna asked if i was dead, i was shocked. What if i was dead? What if i was a ghost? "I-I don't know..." i replied as a nurse walked in. "Jack why are you up!?" she yelled walking over to him. I could tell she couldn't see me either. "Because?" he said as she led him back to the bed. "Jack that's not a very good excuse." she replied putting her hands on her hips. Soon the nurse left and i walked over to Jack. "Elsa i am so sorry, i can't believe i let this happen to you I-" jack said before i could interrupt. "Jack, it's fine." i said putting my hand on his knee. "Elsa..." he said looking to his knee. "What?" i replied also looking. "Your hand isn't going through!" he yelled sitting up this time fast. "I wonder why?" i replied in confusion. "And Elsa...that's is my broken knee." he continued as i lifted my hand. "Oh sorry." i said looking to him. He hugged me, Anna was still in the back of the room watching everything happen. "Jack you didn't go through." i said into his ear and hugged him tightly. "Elsa..." Anna said walking up to me. "Yes?" i replied breaking the hug and looking to her. "How come i went through?" she said holding her left arm with her right hand. "Anna i'm sure it's nothing bad." i said grabbing her hand, it still went through but it was worth a shot. "Maybe cause you thought she was for sure going to die..." Jack said looking to Anna and I. I never thought that i would die soon. I never thought Anna would give up on me. I also never thought that i would be in a hospital because of a tornado of nightmares either. This day just gets better and better.

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