Second Date

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~Elsa's P.O.V. ~

I woke up rolling off my bed and sitting up, sliding on my slippers then walking to my bedroom door. As I opened my door into the hall, I realized I had totally forgotten what me and Jack did after we finished eating each other's faces. I hope we didn't do anything stupid. You never know, expecially since we are talking about Jack.

~Jack's P.O.V. ~

I was laying on my bed watching my alarm clock, waiting for it to strike 10:00. It was only 9:57 so I had a good three minutes till my mom would tell me to get up and start my day with a shower. So for that three minutes I rolled over onto my back, and my mind began to drift into my memories of Elsa and I, and all we did last night. That's funny I couldn't remember anything besides us kissing. Huh that was weird, maybe I'll just watch my clock instead.

~Anna's P.O.V. ~

I heard Elsa open her door and walk into the hall, but but I Ignored it and continued to finish my text to Jack. "Hey so I'm going to ask Elsa if she wants to go out to eat later today for lunch...I was wondering if you can join us??" i sent the message then ran out my door to see Elsa's face shoved into a strawberry poptart.

~Elsa's P.O.V. ~

I was eating a strawberry poptart when Anna ran in and decided to just stair at me. "Uhhh Anna, are you okay?" i asked looking up from my poptart and up to Anna with a raised brow, "Yeah om fine, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch ...maybe." i looked back down to my poptart continuing to eat it and texting Jack on my phone. "Yeah, where would we go?" i asked as a si sent a message to Jack, "i was thinking there is a new restaurant that opened, so may even we could go check it out?" "Okay that sounds nice." i continued as I finished my breakfast and began leaning to the coffee table for the remote.

~Jack's P.O.V. ~

The clock read 9:59, but I really didn't want to get up. Just then my phone vibrated, it was Anna asking if I wanted to go out for lunch with her and Elsa. I replied sure when my phone vibrated again. But this time it was Elsa, "Morning handsome." Huh I could've though that she would text me because she would be to embarrassed or something.

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