VKs are going to Auradon

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I woke up this morning and I realized that I didn't have any food so I traveled out of the forest and into the main part of the Isle where the slop shop was. After grabbing a dry muffin and some black coffee, I began to walk back to the forest, but something caught my eye. A limo from Auradon? And Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were getting into it? What kind of proclamation did my brother make? I ran back to the forest, if the driver had noticed me, he would have taken me home and I'd have to play princess again.

I sat in my cozy tree house and turned on the only channel that was available; Auradon News.
My brother was giving a speech, he was bringing villain kids to Auradon to give them a second chance. Wow, he's gotten even softer. The camera panned over to my parents who were smiling happily, but their eyes were nervous, like they weren't confident that Ben would do a good job, I know those eyes. I used to see them all the time. Well at least they only worry about him now, I'm dead to them, they gave up finding me a long time ago.

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