Happy birthday

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I woke up to the sound of the TV blaring the news intro song and I almost dosed off until I heard Snow White speak my name.

"Today is princess Blair's birthday, the princess went missing three years ago and has  not since to return. She was presumed dead just a year ago. Everyone has gathered at her grave to mourn the loss of princess Blair. Lanterns will be lighting and sent into the sky tonight at eight. Please come to Auradon prep to do so. I hope that you all can be here tonight and if not, we will be live streaming it all." She ended the long speech with that? News anchors will don anything for television. Today is a day if mourning and she can't stop for one day?

Wait, what am I so mad? It's just my birthday. I want this, for them to pretend that I was gone, right? Then again my parents are still trying to find me, maybe? No, why would they miss me, but maybe they did.
"Maybe they want me to return?" I said out loud.

"Return where?" A voice asked, making me jump into attack mode, "Relax, it's just me." Harry's voice said calmly.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I tried to push him out.

"Never mind that, what do you mean that they want you back, who's they?" Harry asked me, his blue eyes bearing into my soul.

"I can't tell you and It's none of your business anyway." I tried to escort him out yet again, but he was too heavy.

"But I can help you." He said, his voice sounding almost pleading.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so obsessed with  me?" I shouted, Harry  looked almost shocked but then he composed himself.

"Can you really not see what has been happening? What my trying to do?" Harry's face turned red and his accent thickened with anger.

I crouched down to the floor and held my head between my legs. I hated when people were mad at me, it was the one trait that I could shake. He continued to yell until he realized that I was on the floor.

"Hey, I'm really sorry, I just get heated sometimes." He said softly as he kneeled down to my level. I stayed silent with  my head down. "Cmon talk to me." He grabbed my chin lightly and pulled my head up. "I really like you ya know, I just wish you would tell me your name."

"Promise you wont tell anybody?"

"Promise." he held his pinky out and I took it with my pinky.

"My name, is Blair." I lowered my head once again.

"Really that is all? Are you embarrassed because of a missing princess?" He tried to hold back his laughter.

"Well, I am the princess." I blurted accidentally.

"Wait, what?" Harry stopped laughing.

"I'm the missing princess." I said quietly.

"I knew it!" Harry smiled and jumped around, "I was right! Oh, sorry."

"Harry, you can't tell anybody about this." I looked into his eyes, " If anybody in Auradon knows, I'll be sent back and I don't want that."

"It sounds like you do." Harry had sorrow in his as if he could see my emotions.

"N-no I don't, I can't! They hate me. They called me a freak." Harry embraced me with a hug.

"I see it in your eyes, you belong in Auradon." He smiled

"Fine I do, just, can we stop talking about it? It is my birthday after all." A soft smile formed of the pirate's face.

"Then what are we just standing around for? What do you want to do?"

"I don't know I-" I then go t an idea, "lets go to Tremaine's salon!" I could feel a big smile form on my face.

"Wait, like get our nails done and stuff?" Harry looked horrified.

"Yeah!" I dragged him down the ladder of the tree house and off to town. Soon we were in  front of the salon.

Harry gave out a groan as I slapped his hand away from the register before he took something out. A young girl danced around while sweeping before noticing we were standing at the doorway.

"Hi, sorry, I'm Dizzy, what can I do for you today?" She was only about ten or twelve and she was cutting hair? Lady Tremaine is cruel.

"Uh, yes, we would like to get our nails done and I want a trim on my hair and get him a Brazilian blowout." Dizzy walked up the stairs for a moment, which gave Harry some time to freak out.

"What the heck is a brazilian blowout?" He whispered to me, trying to stay calm.

"Trust me, it'll replace that mop of hair you have right now." I took his hat off and brushed his hair with my fingers, "do you even brush it?"

Harry was about to answer but then Dizzy came down with Anthony in tow.

"HE wants a blowout? The so called "king" of the sea?" Anthony Tremaine laughed haughtily. Anger built up onto Harry's face, but I put my hand on his arm to reassure him.

"Yes, I will pay for it all." I told the cousins, holding out twenty dollars.

Dizzy and Anthony seemed shocked that somebody on the isle had actual money, they quickly got to work after the money was in the register.

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