Two Weeks

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I smiled as we walked into the now abandoned Hell Hall, Cruela hadn't been there since Carlos left and it was the perfect place to party. 

"Hey Harry! You made it!" Gil said joyously as he got around the other teens dancing wildly. 

"I'm only here to watch them." I nodded to my sister Harriet and Anthony dancing, "They've been pretty close since Mal left." 

"Cmon, have some fun, you never do anything fun these days." Gil whined.

"You know what? I will, lets go." I told him as I began to dance. 

I've been here for three months and it bothers me that I don't miss the Isle as much, it's not as lonely. I still miss Harry though, he'll always be my best friend.

"Blair, are you ready for your fitting?" Evie asked me from the hallway. 

"Yeah, I've only got  a little bit of time though, I'm still planning stuff for the after-coronation party." I told her as we walked to her room. 

"Busy, busy, busy." Evie whispered to me, making me laugh. 

I rubbed my head and immediately felt a stinging pain. I partied way too much last night. I looked around to where I was and found that I was in Blair's tree house, but it was different, the walls were dark and oozing, the floor had bugs crawling out of its cracks. I stood up and got ready to fight what ever was causing this, but when I was no longer scared, it stopped and Maleficent stood in front of me. 

"Hiya." she smiled insanely, "I need your help and you're going to help me." she told me forcefully. 

"What do you want me to do?"I said in fear of her banishing my family. 

"I want you to high-jack Ben's coronation with me and my daughter. You'll be able to lure that princess away so I can take the wand."

"Why would you have to lure her away? She doesn't have magic or anything." Harry was suddenly confused as to why she would want him to lure Blair away. 

"She has power, a shape shifting power, brought from her father's curse, Ben has not uncovered that power in himself yet, that's why he is an easy target, but if you can get the girl away, I will succeed in WORLD DOMINATION!" Maleficent cackled malevolently and disappeared into a pile of green smoke. 

Blair smiled as she turned in the yellow dress, it was perfect, but she had to take it off quickly or she wouldn't have enough free time to write Harry a letter. Ben had promised her that she could send a letter to the Isle when they were walking to class yesterday. 

She ran from Evie's room after changing into her normal Auradon clothes and sat at her desk. She only slowed down when she had to write. She thought out her response carefully and clearly before touching the pen with paper. 

Dear Harry, 

                     I Ben finally let me send a letter to you! I hope you're doing well. I doing just fine, I'm actually getting ready for the coronation in two weeks, I'll send you a picture when I get to write you another letter. I miss you a lot, I wish you were here. I'm going to ask Ben after the coronation if you can be enrolled here, but I doubt he would let it happen. 


                                                                                                                     Your Princess,


I drew a few hearts on the bottom and sighed, I hope he gets this. 

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