The Ball

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I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, the blue dress was perfect in every way, it even went with my combat boots.

"That's gorgeous!" Evie gasped as she walked in to help me with my makeup. Evie was stunned by the fabric and stitching of the dress, "How did they get everything so perfect?"

"Well, it is made by the same mice that helped make Cinderella's pink dress, they have experience." I told her as I sat at the vanity.

"So, is Mal going to this ball, I know that she went with you." Evie seemed to smirk when I nodded. "Good, it's a good experience for her." Evie went back to having a small smile as she pulled my hair up into an elegant half down, half up style. I changed out of my dress to go downstairs to decorate the ballroom. 

"Chad, stop posing, we've got to be there before the girls." I told him trying to pull him away from the mirror.

"You gotta admit Ben, I look good." Chad said as I pulled him from the mirror and down the hall to get the other guys.

Ali came out of his dorm wearing a white suit and a crown on his head. "Do you think you're sister will like it?", He asked.

Ben just laughed and nodded his head,"You're never going to get her, you know?"

"She might not be able to resist!" The son of Aladdin smirked and flexed his muscles. 

"We're ready!" Navi shouted running down the hall with Aron.

Aron was brushing his short hair with a fork and was a complete mess. 

"Aron? What's up with all the jewelry?" Ali asked. 

"Everything was just so beautiful, I couldn't resist putting it all on." The airhead smiled. 

"Navi, Chad, stay here and get all of that off Aron, Ali and I will go help Blair. Meet me at the front doors of the ballroom at 6." I told them quickly and then left with Ali. 

"Thanks for trying to set me up man." Ali patted my back. 

"That's not the plan, I just knew that you don't have the patience to help people at all." I rolled my eyes.

I ran around the ballroom trying to make everything extravagant but nothing seemed to work. 

I gasped as I felt someone tap my shoulder. 

"Do you need help?" Ben laughed. 

"Yes." I sighed as I saw Ben and Ali standing behind me. 

I explained to them what I needed done and they got to it. 

I looked out onto the open water, Blair had surely gotten my letter? But she hasn't sent me a letter back at all. I felt myself get angry. Was she with another guy? Had she found someone else, no that wasn't possible. I went down to my cabin and fell asleep. 

I stared at the beautiful dress again in the mirror and made one more twirl before heading down the hallways and to the ballroom. Some girls oohed and aahed as I traveled through the hallways of the dorms. 

I walked around the perimeter of the ball room, every body was where they were supposed to be, everything was set up. 

I got into my spot along the line of other girls, but when the doors opened, Jane stopped me. 

"Blair, you have a letter." She gave me a rustic envelope and I knew exactly who it was from, Mal looked at me and nodded, approving of me staying back. 

I quickly read it, everything was fine, Harry was fine. By the time I had gotten someone to take the letter to my room, music had started. I took a deep breath before I opened the doors. I room seemed to quiet down as I walked down the wooden stairs, my combat boots not making any sound. I saw Ali smirk as he walked to the bottom of the stairs to escort me. 

"Ooo, a prince?" I laughed. 

"More like an emperor, but that works too." he laughed as well. My father stepped up on the stage and began to speak. 

"Hello everybody, I would like to thank Blair and Ben for putting on a ball last minute, it's absolutely amazing. The other guests will be arriving soon so I suggest we go to the dining hall." He stepped down and headed to the dining room and we followed. 

Everybody sat down by their "dates". Mal with Ben, Audrey with Chad, Winter with Aron, Lonnie with Navi, and me with Ali. Lonnie and I shot nervous glances at each other as we got stuck with people who we weren't dating. Soon other royal families joined the room until every seat was taken. Everything was perfect, we even had a kiddie table for the Rapunzel twins, Gene and Rena. 

Dinner was amazing as everybody laughed and were joyed to spend the time with each other, there were even some joke about my father getting old which made me and Ben crack up. 

We made our way to the ballroom after dinner, Ali of course danced with me. As we danced, I realized he wasn't that bad at all. We talked and laughed over pretty much everything. He was such a goofball. 

"So you're like my Cinderella, right?" He gestured toward my dress. 

"What make you say that?" I asked smugly. 

"Beautiful young girl, dancing with a handsome young prince, at a ball and we have to be in our dorms before midnight, perfect modern story." He smiled accomplished. 

I just laughed, "If that's true, you might forget who I am or what I look like at the end of the night." 

"Well, if you leave me one of your boots, it won't be hard to remember."The music suddenly ended and I was grabbed by someone else. 

I danced through the night, well, until I had to go to bed. 

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