A good day

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I laughed as Harry repeatedly brushed his hand through his now straight hair.

"Having fun there?" I giggled as I studied as I studied my dark blue and gold nails, the glitter sparkled as the moonlight as night fell on the island.

"Definitely." He laughed with me.

"You could have gotten something more fun you know." I said as I looked at his plain black nails.

"Uma would kill me, I wouldn't be able to scrub the deck or steer the ship with those nails of yours." He chuckled and looked up at the sky.

"So, you guys are dating right?" Anthony suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"No!" We both shouted at the same time, Harry looking furious and I stared at the ground.

"No-name girl and Hook hanging out? I never would have thought." He chuckled.

Harry was about to blow before I slightly pulled on his arm, "He's not worth it, cmon." I began to walk back to the tree house, Anthony just stared at us as we disappeared into the woods.

I sighed as I sat in the large bean-bag chair.

"Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me, but we missed the lanterns."I told the pirate as he sat on my bed.

"It was no problem really. Though I still want to help you get back home."

"I can't go back home, it's not where I belong." I looked at him.

"I'm going to try, I have connections." He said in a motivated voice as he began to leave.

I plopped down into my bed and stared at the ceiling, what is he thinking?

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