A plan?

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Harry scowled as he walked back home to his ship in the Saturday-night cold of the Isle. How could he get Blair back home? He first thought of all the maps his father had, but remembered that all of their magic had been lost long ago. Then suddenly, something came to him, but he would have to wait until Monday.

Harry raced all the way to the ship and into his quarters. He grabbed a pen and paper and began writing a letter. He stared at the paper one last time before enclosing it in an envelope.

"Here goes nothing." He smiled as he turned the light off in his small bunk and fell asleep to the sounds of the sea.


Harry rushed off of the boat, abandoning everyone that tried to stop him. His stomach growled, but he could until he got to school. He had to get to school.
Dragon Hall was quite empty, but he knew the one person that he needed would be there.
"Professor Yen Sid!" He almost shouted as he chased down the fast paced teacher.

"Yes Mr.Hook?" He turned to look at his student and smiled hoping that he would have a valid question.

"I was wondering if you could send this to King Ben, it's very important that he gets it." Harry held out the letter.

"And what is in this Harry?" Yen Sid said suspiciously as he took the letter.

"I can't tell you." Harry said, he began to feel nervousness crawl up and down his spine.

"Then why should I give it to the king?" The professor cocked a brow at his student.

"Because sir, it would mean so much to me if King Ben could hear my own opinion on the new proclamation." Harry pleaded, wanting Yen Sid to just agree.

"Fine, but you will be severely punished if this is some kind of joke." Yen said walked of with the letter in hand and Harry gave a small celebration in his mind.

"What was that all about?" Blair's voice giggled behind him.
Harry studied was she was wearing, she always wore a hood over her face when in school.

"Why do you hide your face?" He asked.

"Because Yen Sid knows what I look like, he's from Auradon." Blair readjusted her hood.

Harry shrugged it off, that wouldn't be a worry soon. "You wanna ditch?" Harry asked the brunette girl.

"Sure, I'm not in the learning mood anyway."

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