Cheater Cheater?

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I woke up, but this time I didn't hesitate to get up. I knew these dreams, Maleficent had been filling my sleep with them ever since I made that deal. the floor was a dark sea and the walls were a dark grimy green.

The horned figure arose from the ground and its green eyes glowed. "I understand that you only want to see Blair and that you are going to rebel against me." Everything turned red.

"No, I was never going to do that." I said.

"If you believe that you shouldn't ruin Auradon, you're wrong." Suddenly images of Blair at a ball popped up, audio of her talking to a guy and laughing with him was loud and clear. They danced together, ate together, and laughed together. He even waked her to her dorm. Blair was cheating on me?

"No way." I whispered.

"Yes, this is really what is happening across the water, you must fight and help me concur Auradon."

"I will." I stated angrily as everything faded to its normal state, "I'm coming for Blair and I'll kill that boy."

I laughed as I looked over the group pictures we took last night. I had a great time with Ali and I hope that we can be friends and I hope that Harry wont be jealous when he comes over.

"Blair, come on." Audrey said dramatically.

"Ok, ok." I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, the yellow dress complemented my blue eyes and the flower crown gave me a peaceful look.

"Come on." Audrey sighed as I slipped on my yellow heels.

I rode in my carriage after Ben, I was still surprised by Mal's dress, it was absolutely beautiful. Ali was my escort as he practically begged me.

"So, after this," Ali spoke up, "do you wanna go out or something?" he was quick to turn away. 

"I'm sorry Ali, but I'm dating someone else, but we can be friends if you'd like." I smiled at him kindly, "I'm sure you'll find someone, I'm just not that someone." 

"Who are you dating?" He laughed, "Here I thought that I was going to sweep you off your feet." He put his face into his palms. 

"I'm dating someone from the Isle, he's still on the Isle." I sighed sadly, talking about Harry made me miss him even more. 

"Well then, I'll take that offer of being friends." He laughed again and held out his hand for a hand shake. I took his hand and shook it as the carriage stopped. Ali walked around and helped me out, we walked arm and arm up the stairs before Mal and Ben.  We stopped by my parents and Ali walked off to go to his parents. I watched as Ben escorted Ben up to the stairs, Ben held Mal's hand before they had to part. At last, the horns sounded that it was time for the coronation and I stood on the side with Ali and Mal while my parents and Ben stood on the stage with Fairy Godmother. 

I got dressed and headed to Maleficent's castle. She stood in front of me, a green mist surrounding her.

"It's time." She cackled. 

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