A ball, seriously?

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I grunted as multiple girls came up to me and asked me what I thought of things for the coronation. I couldn't really care less what it looks like though, all that matters is that I'll get to see Harry afterwards. I don't know why they were asking me anyway, I'm not the soon-to-be king in two days.

I can barely get to my classes without being stormed with people from the party committee. It's not like I don't want to answer their questions, I do, just not when I'm trying to work on stuff. Me and Ben have been going to facy-people classes in order to prepare for the large dinner we will have with the other royal families tomorrow. At least in all this stress, my father has calmed down about Harry and is quite happy now.

I woke up and felt sea sick, the boat was moving? But there's no wind on the Isle. I stormed up the stairs and looked around, my crew was not aboard, but the boat was rocking.

"Harry come down!" Uma's voice shouted from the docks and Harry quickly obliged since he was staggering with every step.

"What's happening?" He asked her fearfully.

"I don't know, it happened this morning." she sighed.

"Something bad is coming?" Harry asked as his friend's eyes turned white and bright.

"Yes, there will be a war, between a group of 6 and a large black figure, it is not clear to see."

I was sitting in the library with Ben, we were doing our homework when mom and dad rushed in.

"Blair, Ben, we had an exciting idea." Mom said excitedly.

"We want to make the dinner, a ball." My father said smiling.

"A ball? But we aren't prepared!" Ben began to freak out.
"Calm down Ben, I'm sure mom and dad have everything planned out." I laid my hand on my brothers arm.

"No can do Blair, your brother has to do it." My dad said way too happily and my parents walked off.

"It's ok Ben I'll help you." I told my brother calmly. "But first, we need to pick what we are going to wear, which means I have to go by something because I don't have any ball gowns that fit me."

Ben nodded, "I'll gather up Chad, Ali (All-ee), Aron, and Navi. You go get Audrey, Lonnie, Mal, and Winter. We'll all got get suits and dresses.

We both raced off to get tablets to plan a ball while we got clothes. I quickly gathered up all the girls that giggled and squealed about the ball. I could only hope that Ben was having luck as well.

I began to agitated by the guys not wanting to leave Tourney practice.

"Cmon guys! We've got suits to try on!" I shouted.

"Just one more shot!" Ali told him but once he had shot the ball, he kept shooting.

The boys continued the it for a while, but then, Ben had an idea.

"Fine then if you don't want to go in suits, I'll make you go in your underwear!" The boys stopped and thought about their choices and one by one, they obliged.

Blair was going to pull her hair out, all the girls had chosen dresses except her. Blair sat down in the dressing room and put her head in her hands.

"Excuse me miss Blair, pardon my intrusion, but you seem to be having a hard time." A mouse chirped as she sat beside me.

"Yeah, I can't find the 'perfect dress' at all"

"I have one just for you!" The mouse suddenly got really excited. The mouse took my finger and lead me to the back of the store, there, a beautiful blue dress sat.

"We aren't supposed to release this until next month, but this is an emergency." I helped the mouse lift the dress off of the mannequin. I carefully put the dress on and walked to my friends who all seemed stunned by the dress.

"It's perfect!" Winter, the daughter of Snow White gasped.

"I'll take it." I told the mouse before walking into a changing room and changing out of it.

"We don't really have a price on it yet." Mouse said at the register.

"How about this?" I gave the mouse a handful of the money I had brought with me.

"No, I can't take that, is too much!" The mouse refused.

"I insist you take it, think of it as a donation."

"We don't have any time." Mal said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the store, all of the other girls were already in the carriage and ready to go so I gripped my bag with my dress in it and stepped in."Thank you!" Mal rushed us out, "Ben just texted me, he's having trouble with the decor arrangement."

We quickly got into the carriage and pulled out my tablet, Ben had random vases and other decor pieces in odd places.

I laughed as I rearranged the decor in their proper places, "He's such a goofball, putting the thrones by the window? What is he thinking?" I could feel Mal stare me, confused as the other girls laughed.

"We get it because we're real princesses." Audrey flipped her hair and I sent her a scowl as the carriage stopped.

Mal looked almost disheartened that Audrey had said that so I quickly walked up to her, " Do you know how to dance?" I asked.

"I don't know how to dance like you." She looked up at my saddened.

"I'll schedule a class for you with one of the adequate teachers and I'll get Ben to join you if he isn't busy." I I began to walk away, but Mal grabbed my arm.

"Thank you Blair, I owe you one for all you've done for me."

"It's no problem, after all, you're my brother's girlfriend." I giggled, making Mal giggle, "Well, I've got to go, I'll text you when your instructor is ready." I walked off toward the ballroom and hoped it wasn't a mess.

I got a text from Blair as we walked into the ballroom, she had gone to plan the food and refreshments and I was supposed to go help Mal at her dance class.

"I've got to go help Mal, you guys go to the kitchen and as Blair if she needs any help." I told the boys and ran off before they could protest.

I stared at the picture Blair had sent me from her last letter, the yellow dress that she wore brought out her blue eyes and her brown hair had gotten longer. I sent her a letter a few days ago, though I'm sure she hasn't got it yet if she hasn't sent one back. Though, it's not like she needs it, I'll be at the coronation in two days I miss her soft hands and her warm smile, I can see her face but can't find any emotion on the mirage. She's all I think  about, I hope she's thinking of me. 

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