Dear Blair,

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I raced to Dragon Hall, which I had been doing since Yen Sid had told me a letter was coming in from Blair any day now.

As usual, I found the teacher sitting at his desk, reading a book about science.

"Hi professor." I smiled as the man looked up at me from his book.

"You wanted the morning news?" Yen Sid asked looking at the young man in front of him.

"If that means a letter from my princess, yes." Harry almost jumped in joy when he saw Yen Sid pull a blue envelope from his desk. "Thank you so much sir." He smiled.

"Anything for true love." The teacher chuckled as his student practically leaped out of the classroom.

I looked over the court yard from my balcony, Ben's coronation was only a week away and I still hadn't gotten him anything. The VKs have been quite nervous and jumpy lately, but I can't find out why. I stared back to the court yard and noticed Ben walking alone to the garden , usually Mal would be with him, but she has began to distance herself from him. It makes Ben sad, but I can't choose a side to sympathize because I'm both part of Auradon and the Isle.

"Hey Blair, you should get going, family dinner starts in a few minutes." Mrs.Potts told me as she turned me around and fixed my dress, "Beautiful, just like your mother." we shared a smile before I walked to the garden for a family dinner .

I rushed down the gravel street of the Isle, if I could make it in time, Yen Sid could send my letter to Auradon. I got to the school before Yen Sid walked out of the doors.

"Professor, could you send this letter to Auradon? It's for Blair." The boy panted as his lungs caught air.

" I'll try, but I can't guarantee it will get to her." Yen Sid took the letter cautiously.

"Please try, I have to get it to her, she has to know I'm ok." Harry said desperately.

"Like, I said, it might not get through being form the Isle, but I promise I will send it." Yen Sid assured his student, "Now go home, it's getting late and you shouldn't be out when you have school tomorrow."

Harry rushed back home and sighed when his head hit his pillow, he had a shot at messaging Blair.

I laughed as my brother made a funny face when he tasted the tea that my dad had made for us.

"It needs sugar next time dad." Ben said wiping his tongue with a napkin.
The table seemed to quiet down so I asked Ben the question that had been tossing and turning in my mind. "Ben, when you have completed your test of the proclamation, are you going to bring more kids over?" I could see my parents eyes go wide but they sat in their seats and listened to what my brother had to say.

"I want to bring more kids from the Isle, I would like to do it after my coronation if possible, though we'll see." Ben shrugged and began eating again when a guard approached us with a letter in hand.

"We got this in express mail, it's a letter for Blair from Yen Sid." The guard handed me the letter and I almost lept out of my chair. I opened it quickly, it was from Harry and he was ok and he missed me!

"What does it say?" Ben asked me, pulling the paper from my hands. "Who's this from?" He laughed as he turned the paper jokingly, making fun of Harry's hand writing.

"Harry Hook." I said silently, looking down at my plate.

"Harry Hook? A villain?" My father looked furious. "First my son and then my daughter? What has gotten into you two?" He stormed off and back to the castle and my mother chased after him.

"Is he good to you?" Ben asked sternly.

"Of corse I wouldn't be dating him if he wasn't." I giggled thinking about us getting our nails done, I still hadn't removed the polish that was now cracked and falling off.

" Is he why you haven't taken that nail polish off?" Ben laughed.

"Yeah, it means something to me. You have to keep something of Mal right?"

"She's my home screen in my phone." Ben showed me his home screen which was him and Mal at the enchanted river.

"I'd do anything to have a picture of Harry." I sighed.

" I'll tell you what, if you can wait a little, I'll bring Harry over after my coronation." He smiled at me.

"That would be awesome." I hugged my brother before we both said our goodbyes and I headed to my room to sleep.

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