A trip.

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The guard gripped my arms as I thrashed around and screamed. My parents seemed to rush to me even though I was docile.

"Blair please, calm down." My mother said calmly, I looked at her, my breathe heavy and went limp.

"Please send her to her room, she must be tired." My father told the guards with sorrow in his eyes, his daughter had become a wild animal.

Harry looked out past the border of the force field, his princess was there and he was here. He had already missed her and it had been only a few hours.

"You'll get her back, I see it in the future." Uma walked up to the pirate, her eyes white and shiny.

"How long?" He asked desperately.

"A year, two maybe?" Uma turned to him, her eyes beginning to turn black to their normal blue ones, "You will see her again Harry, I promise." She gave him a hug before walking away to order her crew around.

Harry looked out across the barricaded sea one last time and whispered, "Come back soon, princess." and then walked of off the boat in order to visit a certain tree house.

I growled in annoyance, I was declared "unsafe" until I took Goodness. So I go to be taught by Fairy Godmother all day and got to eat lunch alone. I couldn't even write Harry a letter!

"Blair? What's wrong? You seem frustrated." Fairy Godmother's voice moved closer to me.

"Nothing." I sighed and sat straight up as Ben came into the room.

"How's everything going?" He smiled.

"Just fine." I mocked his niceness.

F.G. walked over to Ben and whispered in his ear, Ben's face turned to concerned.

"You've been having trouble concentrating? What's on your mind Blair?" My brother asked me, sitting on the table.

"I just want to be left alone and treated normally." I sighed, maybe I could get out of here by acting like I'm improving.

"Then lets go on a little trip, just you and me."Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the classroom.

"Where are we going?" I asked not amused by how he dragged me out.

"You'll find out, hop on." Ben got onto his scooter and handed me a helmet.

"Fine." I groaned.

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