Bad Dream

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I feel myself physically turn in my sleep, sweat was dripping down my face. I awoke, but the walls were dark and the floor had turned into the sea, in front of me was a figure, one with horns.

"Our plan shall commence in three day time, you will come with me." The horned figure said.

"What is our plan?" Harry asked.

"You are to distract the girl! How have you forgotten already?" the figure screamed, "You will do as I say or you will perish with the rest of the citizens of Auradon." it threatened and then disappeared, harry woke up and looked around, the walls were normal and the floor was its regular boards. Harry found that he didn't want to attack Auradon, he just wanted to see Blair, so he decided he would fight Maleficent with all his might to protect Blair's home.

I awoke in complete darkness, the walls were dark and my floor was like the sea, a figure with a pirate hat stood in front of me.

"Harry?" I walked towards the figure to see, its eyes were black and his skin was burnt.

"I am but an illusion." The figure told me.

"What do you want, why are you here?"

"Harry you will see Harry again at Ben's coronation, you must go with him at all costs." The figure tried to put its hand on my shoulder, but I dodged it.

"Is something bad going to happen?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, something bad, something evil, but you must go with Harry." The figure disappeared and I stared at my ceiling  when I awoke.

Morning came and I got dressed in a light, airy, yellow shirt and blue skinny jeans with brown booties. I concealed the bags under my eyes with a nude makeup look and quickly left for class. Other girls came out of their dorms to walk with me to breakfast. Mal, Evie, Lonnie, and Jane talked excitedly about the coronation in three days. I zoned them out until I heard my name.

"Blair? Who are you going with?" Jane asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't think I'll go with anyone." I said calmly. Evie, Lonnie, and Jane seemed surprised.

"You could have any guy in the kingdom and you don't want to go with anyone to the coronation?" The girls mouths dropped, I nervously looked at Mal who smiled and lead about to laugh because she knew about Harry.
Suddenly, Mal spoke, "I'm sure that she has someone in mind, we need to get to class.

We walked our separate ways and a few more girls joined me in walking to Mr.Delays science class.

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