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( I don't remember the ending very well so I'm going off of memory.) 

Everybody was silent when Ben was being pronounced king until Jane snatched the wand out of Fairy Godmother's hand.

"If you won't make me pretty, I'll do it myself!" She screamed throughout the hall, but Mall quickly fought over and won the wand. She held it defensively.

"Mal-" Ben tried to reason.

"No Ben, I can't. We don't have a choice!" Mal began to cry as I heard Harry's voice from outside the hall.

"Blair!" His thick accent sang almost hypnotically. 

"Harry?" I shouted as I ran out the large doors to see Harry waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I ran to give him a hug, it was him! Harry was here! But I began to collect my thoughts as to why he was here. "Wait, why are you here?" 

"To see you of course." He chuckled, this was not the Harry I knew on the Isle. His eyes held a darkness, his voice was deep and manacle. suddenly, there was a large roar that came from the hall. 

"They're in trouble!" I shouted and tried to run but Harry grabbed my arm. 

"No they're not, come with me." He argued. 

"I'm sorry Harry, but I have to help them." I transformed into a bird and flew into the coronation hall. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay were fighting off a large purple dragon. 

I turned into a gold dragon myself and fought off the large monster. I blew fire at the beast but it didn't seem to affect it. The dragon blew fire back and burned my face. I turned back into my normal human form as I crashed to the ground. 

"Blair!" Harry ran to help me up but I shoved him off. 

"You're part of this, I know it." I growled and got up myself, the burn on my face hurt but I continued to help the VKs. 

"Blair! You have to come with me, it's too dangerous!" He pleaded staring into me with his dark and evil eyes. 

"No." I growled and ran to fight the dragon.

"Blair! Was that gold dragon you?" Carlos asked me in disbelief. 

"It's part of my dad's curse I guess, though I've turned into a dragon before." I shrugged as I grabbed a sword from one of the armor stands. 

"And what are you wearing?" Jay laughed. I looked down at myself and saw that I was dressed in athletic pants with gold sparkles at the ends, black sneakers, and a black sports bra, my hair was up in a high pony tail.  

"I guess it's my beast persona?" I laughed as I jumped to slice at the dragon's legs. "Where did this dragon come from anyway?" I asked. 

"It's my mom!" Mal shouted as she walked up to Maleficent and pointed the wand at her. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Harry was going to tackle Mal so I quickly grabbed him and pulled him outside 

"Let me go!" he screamed and thrashed wildly. He repeatedly screamed for me to let go until I heard people talking within the hall and my dad and Ben shouting ready to fight, he went still. I grabbed Harry's arm and brought him up to Fairy Godmother who looked shocked to see Harry. 

"Blair what are you-" My father started but I cut him off. 

"Fairy God Mother, I think he's cursed!" I shouted, "Mom, Dad, Ben, this is Harry by the way." I said as Fairy God Mother examined Harry. 

"He's cursed, though I don't know how as Maleficent has been defeated." she put her hand on her chin and thought, " Oh I know! True loves kiss! It can break any spell!" She clapped happily. I turned to Harry and studied his face, he still hadn't said a word since Mal spelled Maleficent. 

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