Chapter 1: Not A Picture Perfect Life

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Krys's P.O.V

So cold I thought as I shuddered and walked down the dark streets of London. Yep London, England. I can't believe that I just did that. I thought again as panic coursed through my veins. My life just a blur of what happened a few days ago. My family... dead...just dead I thought. No killed... they didn't have a choice to die.... They were murdered. I just hate that word sometimes. Murdered. Killed. Just dying in general. I still remember like it was just yesterday though.

On the day of my sixteenth birthday, I was just coming home when I noticed something wrong. There were police cars at my house. We had just moved from Greensboro, Georgia, United States to London, England. My dad had just gotten a new job. So we had to move....again. I never had that British Accent and I never will. I'm just too attached to my old life that I hadn't noticed the danger we were in. Anyway, so on my sixteenth birthday the police were outside my house. That's when I got that cold feeling in my stomach. I ran up my driveway only to be stopped by a police officer. "Excuse me young lady, but you can't go inside." said the police officer in his firm British accent. I look up at the tall police man with his navy blue uniform and hat with the British Flag and his dark hair and eyes and start getting a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Excuse me but I live here." I say in my regular, normal accent. I push past him only to see the scene that makes me fall to the floor. There in the living room, which was really clean thanks to my mom, now covered in blood? There on the floor laid my family. First my dad, then my mom, on to my brother, my little sister, and then finally my twin sister there on the floor in that order. It was as if it was a message. I hadn't realized that until now I was silently crying. I get up and slowly walk over to my twin. Her name was Kayla. I gather Kayla in my arms and finally cry out one final word,"NOOOOOOO" before everything turns to black and I faint.

Since then I just remember waking up in a foster home covered in my sister's blood. I didn't say anything, since I had nothing to say and no one to say anything to. Finally I decided that I couldn't take it anymore and ran away. Now I was just rounding a corner when suddenly there's this girl in front of me, at least I thought it was a girl, who looked about my age. I really couldn't tell since she was covered in ashes like she just got out of a house fire. Maybe she was in a house fire. I don't know her.

She may have lost her family like I did mine, both taken away from us. But what the heck did I know, her family must have survived. Now I was wondering only about one question that I couldn't answer myself without asking her. Why was she running? After I was done observing her I felt that feeling that I knew and looked into her eyes. I saw the look of loss. That's when I realized it.

Her family was taken away from her today like mine was taken away from mine 5 days ago. I don't know why but I felt a sudden urge of anger light up inside of me. She could have kept her family. She had a chance to save them and she lost it. I didn't even have a chance. I lost mine without warning. That wasn't fair. "What are you looking at?" she asked me in a really rude manner.

My anger already built up I decided that I hate her and that she is my enemy. "I'm not the one covered in ashes at least." I reply my voice shaking with anger. I push past her forcefully and walk even faster than before. I look behind me to see her walking in the opposite direction at the same brisk speed as me. As I round another corner though I hear someone behind me scream "Help!!" I turn around and run back down the street determined this poor person on the street. Just as I round the corner I stop. I see the same girl but someone in front of her, their back to me.

I almost turned around when I realized the knife in his hands. Before I knew it, I was running toward the stranger tackling him and snatching up the knife from their hand. I get up and point the knife at the stranger and see that it's a woman. "Stay back!" I say as I pull the scared girl behind me. Then I start going the way I came from while facing the stranger and pointing the knife at her. As soon as we round the corner, I break into a run slipping the knife into my back pocket of my jeans with the strange girl following me. We keep running, the adrenaline of fear coursing throughout our bodies. Wait, not fear but determination to get away from the stranger. When the girl stops running to catch her breath I start walking across the street.

"You're safe you don't need me anymore." I whisper to her. As I'm crossing the street she yells "Wait!" and then runs to catch up to me. I turn on her. "Stop following me!" I yell clearly showing my anger. "B....But" she stammers. "I'm not gonna have somebody follow me everywhere, across London, you hear me?" I ask. "Crystal." she replies in her soft and scared British accent.

"Good, this is where it ends. I don't know you and you don't know me either, got it?" I ask. "Yes, I get it." She says to me in a quiet voice. "Good" and with that I go one way and she goes the other. As I round the corner though, a group of people come out of the shadows. They start to circle me. I finally get scared but don't show it. I look the one that seems to be the leader in the eye.

His eyes are an unusual color of gold glinting in the light. I see a scar running up from his eyebrow going up and up and up until it disappears into his hair which is the color of brown like a grizzly bear. "Look, what we have here fellas." He says to his gang. As his gang nods looking at me up and down I feel something shift in my back pocket and remember the knife. I suddenly pull it out and get in a ready position. The other gang members pull out their knives I get ready to plunge it into the leg of the leader. As I do he yells out in pain and I start to run when I realize that I'm getting nowhere. I look back and see one of the gang members has snagged onto my arm about to slice my arm open. I close my eyes waiting for the pain.

Hey guys!!!! This is my very first story and I'm sooo excited. So if I update a little late then I'm sooo sorry! I am in 8th grade and I'm taking high school classes. Don't ask! So I am a little busy. As I said, this is my first 'book' so it may seem a little weird at first, but please, be patient with me. I am looking for a book cover so if you have some cool ones you could make, please put them here! ————>
One other thing! I'm still trying to put the main plot together so I may stop this book for a little while to develop ideas. If I do, then I very sorry in advance. Oh! One more thing. If you don't like it, THEN DON'T READ IT! Anyway, I'm done now. Laterz!

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