Chapter 2: The Burning Of The Dagger (Part 1)

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Okay.... So I may have decided to update twice. But that was because I had this chapter just lying around. Just a heads up though. This is part one of Chapter 2 since it was pretty long. Sorry if you like long chapters though!!!

Yuri's P.O.V

"Hot,hot,hot,hot,Hot,HOt,HOT!" I shout. As I look out around the clearing I sat in. All I could hear were my family's shouts and screams as they burned hours ago. All I could smell were the ashes piling around me. The only thing I had left was the large red scarf wrapped around my neck, as the remains of my once beloved house burned violently in the background. My mother, father, and brother all gone in hours. I had everything, yet it can all slip away in the blink of an eye. All of a sudden i hear a loud creak from above me. "Huh?" I say as I turn around to see this large chunk of the wooden wall coming downward toward me at a rapid pace. "Ahhhh!" I scream as I faint, then i suddenly feeling something catching me before my consciousness seeps away.

"Where am I?" I mutter as I try to sit up. I feel the cold hard concrete of a sidewalk under my hands. As I open my eyes I see a boy staring at me from the opposite side of the street. Our eyes meet and something odd flared inside me. Once I snap out of my trance I stand up and start to unconsciously walk forward onto the street. Suddenly a car comes driving straight through my set path. I step backward as the view of the boy is cut off. Once the car passes the boy was gone. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy walking down the street corner to my left. "Wait!" I shout as I run towards the boy. He stops and looks over at me with a blank stare, then turns back around and continues forward. At that slight move something clicked inside me, I was furious. As a noblemen I was not used to the absence of attention. Even though the rage built inside of me I still continued to run after him. Once I round the corner I almost bump into this girl. She had long black hair that came down to her waist and crystal black eyes. We stared at each other in silence of a minute or so evaluating each other. Suddenly I snarl out "What are you looking at?", keeping my guard out. I don't know why I did that, I just did. I look again at her pretty black eyes, only to see them harden and fill up with anger. "I'm not the one covered in ashes at least.", she replies, anger evident in her voice. Suddenly she pushes past me and starts walking again. I stand there shocked as she walks away. I can't believe I did that. Why am I so emotional today? Oh wait. My family is dead and my house burned down. No wonder. I think sarcastically.

I was about to start walking again when I bump into someone again. Why me?!? I look up to start apologizing when I see that this person has a hood on. I try to look past the darkness of the hood to see their facial features, but it's too difficult. I started getting the chills and was about to run away, when I see that he or she, I can't tell, start walking towards me. I start walking backwards to keep them away when I suddenly feel the concrete wall of a building press up behind me. Oh no! I'm trapped!! And that's when I see the knife.

Really sorry if you thought that this was short! I try to do better next time!

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