Chapter 10: What Did She Do Now?

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Hey guys!! Guess what? I'm not dead! I was just really really busy. Ok that's a lie. I was not busy at all, but I was running out of ideas for this story. But I think I've got some of it now. I'm just gonna leave ya to it now...

~Bhumi Sukha


Yuri's P.O.V

I was now pacing inside the room, waiting for the person to show up for the supposed tour I was supposed to be having, but no one has showed up yet. I glance at the clock up on the wall over the door again. It's been an hour now. I wonder what's going on out there. I go back to pacing a hole in the floor.

"You're going to fall right through if you keep pacing like that." I hear a voice say jokingly.

I turn around at the voice so quick that I was surprised I didn't get whiplash. I see someone I don't recognize. He seemed to be around 19 with black hair that hangs in front of his eyes. Eyes that are as blue as the ocean on a good day.

His physique is lean but the tight black shirt hugs his muscles nicely. I see that he's wearing the same black getup that everyone seems to wear around here. I quickly realize that I'm staring and fix my gaze on his eyes, noticing that the rest of his face was just as handsome and beautiful as his eyes. I see him smirk at me, knowing that I was checking him out.

'Does he really think I'm interested in him?' I think to myself.

"Hey I'm Luka. I'm your tour guide for today." A gruff, deep voice interrupts my thoughts.

I mentally shake my head as I muster a reply in the most monotonous voice I've ever heard come from my vocal chords.

"Hello Luka. I'm Yuri Akamine." I reply to him.

"You're part of the Akamine Family, the one's whose house burnt down and found no survivors." He states, but I can hear the questioning tone in his voice.

"Yes. They may not have found any survivors, but that doesn't mean that there weren't any survivors at all." I point out.

He just nods and continues on as if he's done this a million times.

'Now that I think about it, how many people work for Mr. Drager?' I question myself.

"Are you coming or not?" Luka's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I soon realize what he was asking, quickly nod and walk towards the door as Luka walks out into the hallway. He starts leading me somewhere, talking in a monotonous voice as he walks pointing out things that may be found important.

After a while I start to get bored and lost in my thoughts. He already showed me where the cafeteria was, but he quickly moved on before I could even enter. I don't think he knows that I haven't eaten yet, but I can wait till dinner.

He starts leading me upstairs and into one of the many hallways when I'm thrown from my thoughts when I bump into Luka's back. I look around Luka to see a very strange sight before me.

I saw Krys standing in front of the boy that escorted me my first day in a protective stance. I saw Mr. Drager glaring at her and since I couldn't see her face, I kinda guessed that she was glaring at him as well.

'Now that I think about it, she seems to have a problem with everybody. Even the people she's protecting.' I think to myself.

'Oh Krys, what happened now?' I think to myself in despair.


Hey guys! I'm back!! And I'm so sorry for the short chapter! Well, what did you think? Can you believe that it's been so long that I had to reread chapter 8 just to write this one? Anyway don't forget to please vote and comment. I always appreciate it. And don't forget to have a great day or night, depending on when you're reading this.
~Bhumi Sukha

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