Chapter 2 The Burning Of The Dagger ( Part 2)

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Hey guys!!! Here's Part 2 of Chaper 2. Enjoy!!


"Help!" I scream out loud hoping someone would hear me. But it's late at night and really dark outside. I have no hope now. I'm really going to die! I think to myself as I shut my eyesto try to block out the pain. That's when I hear the person in front of me grunt. I open my eyes to see the girl from before. The girl who I thought hated me. Why wou;d she save me? I stand there in shock only for the girl to grab my handand yell at me to run. I follow without complaint. She did after all save my life. We round a few corners and stop trying to capture our breaths.  "You're safe you don't need me anymore." I hear her whisper as she suddenly starts walking across the street. Ifel a horrible sense of loss as I saw her retreating back. Oh yeah loss. I've had enough of loss.

"Wait!" I yell after her all the while crossing the street and catching up with her. She suddnly turns back around and yells, "Stop following me!" clearly with anger. "B....But" I stammer. Dammit! Why am I so scared of  her? I felt like a kicked puppy. "I'm not gonna have somebody follow me everywhere, across London, you hear me?"I hear her ask me. Oh I see so I'm just a burden to her then. "Crystal" I reply in my soft Bristish accent. I was on the verge of tears. "Good, this is where it ends. I don't know you and you don't know me either, got it?" she asks yet again. I was really close to crying now. "Yes, I get it." I reply in a quiet voice. I can barely make out her face now through the tears. "Good" I hear her say. I don't see her retreating back as I am already heading the other way. Trying to get out of hearing distance. When I am, I start to cry. 

I start to sob. The big sobs racking my body as the loss of my family washes over me. I should have died along with them. Why did I have to be saved??!! That's when I remember the boy. The boy I saw when I woke up. Probably the same boy who saved me. The one who avoided me.  I shouldn't haveto live this way! I am a noblemen. I should be having a somewha tbetter life than evryone else. I shake my head, making the thoughts leave. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I am not supposed to be stuck up, just like mother used t say. I must be strong. I get up with a new resolve, wiping my tears away. That's when I hear a yell of pain. I run to where the yell came from to see that it was the same girl. 

Only now there were a group of men surrounding her. One was holding her hand about to stab her and thats when I felt something inside me begin to panic. Oh no! She's gonna die! I have to do something! That's when  see a very sharp rock out of the corner of my eye. I pick it up. It's not that sharp but it'ss have to do. I throw it at the guy who washolding the girl and he drops her arm and the knife in pain. The girl suddenly looks my way and realizes what's happening. She sudden;y grabs the knife that he dropped and another one from his pocket and runs again pulling me along with her. She hands me the other knife and pockets the other one. When she feels that we're safe we stop running again. 

"Thanks" I hear her say. "No problem. I couldn't just let you die." I reply. After that, I stuck out my hand and asked her "Peace?" She looks at my hand and then into my eyes. Her black eyes searching mine. Finally she puts her hand in mine and we shake as she says "Peace". I smile at that. I have someone that I can trust for now. 


Hey guys! 

How are you enjoying the stroy so far?

 I see good things in these girls' future don't you? 

Anyway don't for get to COMMENT AND VOTE!! 



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