Chapter 16: Voices?!

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So I was really busy yesterday and didn't have the chance to completely write this chapter. But! I'm still keeping to the schedule! So, I'm satisfied, kinda... I'm sorry for the really short chapter, I'll make a longer one soon.



Yuri's P.O.V

After dinner was over everyone, including me, went to bed. That night I dreamed of the fire. My sister getting burned alive was not an image I wanted to see ever again. Being the oldest out of four siblings, I took responsibility for everything they did. Including me not being able to save them.

"Aiko!" I screamed my youngest sister's name as I saw her helpless eyes stare at me.

Her voice screamed at me, begging me to save her. I tried my hardest, I really did. But all I got was horrible burns on my hands as I tried to move the extremely hot obstacles out of the way. Just then I heard a terrible crack from above. I looked up to see a piece of wood falling towards my sister.

"Aiko!" I screamed.

I jumped out of bed and the covers as I start panicking at the heat in my room.

'Why is it so hot?'

It was so hot in the room, that it felt like I couldn't breathe. My breaths got shorter and quicker as my heartbeat started racing. My mind went into full on panic mode as I collapsed on the floor, hugged my knees, and started rocking back and forth. As I tried to get more air into my lungs, the images of the fire kept flashing in front of me everytime I blinked. I didn't even hear the door burst open. I only felt the room go dark and someone calling for help. Telling me to stay awake.


'Where am I?'

I look around and find myself just floating in nothing but ink black. I felt numb to the point that I started to bore. I was just sitting there in the inky black doing nothing when I heard faint voices around me. I tried to open my real eyes, but nothing happened. I kept trying to open my eyes, but my ears had no problem coming back to reality.

"How long has she been out?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

"Can't tell exactly, but she's been passed out for a few hours now." I hear another familiar voice answer back.

I kept trying to figure out who was in the room with me when I got a clue.

"Luka, when do you think she's gonna wake up?" I hear the sleepy voice of a little boy ask.

"I don't know James." Luka replies.

Ok, so I've figured out 2 out of 3 people in the room. But as I was about to figure out the third person, someone completely different spoke up.

"Come on James, you should go back to sleep." I heard someone else say!

'How many people are in this room?'

"Ok, Haruki." James says.

Ok, now I've got it back down to one person I don't know in this room. Just as I was about to start investigating the voices when James gave me the answer himself!

"Krys, can you read with me again?" James says.

"Of course." I hear Krys reply.

I've got it! So the only 4 people in my room are Luka, Krys, James, and Haruki. Trying to figure this out is really making me tired because before I knew it, I was asleep again.


Again, really sorry for the super short chapter! I promise to make a longer one next time!! Thanks for reading!


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