Chapter 17: Flashbacks Galore

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Hey guys!! I'm still keeping to my schedule! This one was a little bit late but that was because I had to go shopping, since my dad is leaving for India in a few days... Anyways, I also had to add a little bit more to the story and edit as well. So, that's why I'm a little bit late today.



Krys's P.O.V

"Of course" I reply to James's question.

I take one last look at Yuri's still body in the hospital bed. The image of a past memory still so clear.


As soon as I enter the hospital, I bolt towards the elevator, not waiting for anyone. Not even Kayla. I press the up button and wait for the doors to open. I was impatiently tapping my foot when I decided that it was taking too long. I turn around and run through the stair doors instead. The room I need to go to is on the fifth floor and being ten-years old, that was a lot of steps. But I didn't care as I rush up the stairs, taking two at a time. My lungs burn and sweat starts to drip down my face as I start counting the floors.

'1...2...3...4... Come on just a few more stairs!'

I collapse as I go up the last few stairs, but thinking of what was happening, I quickly get back up and burst through the door. I race down the hallway as a nurse points in the direction of the door, she knew I was heading towards. I had been here every day since he had fallen ill. I'm sure you don't even have to ask at this point, about who I'm talking about. I start to slow down as I reach the room I was heading towards. Room 565, Grandfather's room. I quietly open the door, still panting after the marathon I had run. I search the room for the one face who had always calmed me. The one face who had always cheered me up. The one face that belonged to the person who cared. I hesitantly meet Grandfather's eyes as I search his pale wrinkly face. His always tan skin, looking so pale, made me nervous. It made me realize that this is a reality. I slowly walk towards his bed when he smiles after realizing that it's me and beckons me forward. At this point, the rest of my family had made it to the room but had not stepped in yet. Tears fill my eyes as I continue to realize that this is the last time I'll ever see his smile. The last time I'll ever see the glint in his dark eyes so much like mine. He holds out his hand and I take it and sit down on the chair beside his bed.

"Don't cry Krys, I don't want to see you cry today." His frail voice makes its way to my ears as more tears pool into my eyes.

The tears are falling rapidly now, and they become even faster. I feel pathetic that I couldn't even fulfill this one request. I look up as I feel his frail hands start to wipe away the tears from my eyes. I see that his eyes are only smiling with the same old mischievous glint in them. I give him a small smile as more tears spring to my eyes when I'm suddenly reminded of the times when we had gotten into some type of trouble every time he had that glint in those eyes.

"I'm sorry Nana, but I can't stop them. My tears have a mind of their own after all."

He chuckles at our inside joke that no one but him and I get. I'm jolted out of the trance I had been in when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see my dad's eyes silently telling me to go outside. I hesitantly nod my head after looking at Grandfather for reassurance. I step outside and as soon as the doors close, I hear loud sobs make their way outside. I look around to find that I'm, the only one outside. I guess they didn't want me in there, again. I didn't care as I hear my brother calling my inside. I step in and immediately sit beside my grandfather, holding his hand once more.

"Can everyone step outside? I need to talk with Krys for a moment." My Grandfather tells everyone.

The rest of my family can only comply, since its a dying man's wish after all. I look back towards my grandfather, waiting for what he had to say.

"Krys, there will always be problems for you everywhere you go. You just have that aura around you. But listen to me when I tell you that you are strong, stronger than anyone I've ever met. I know that you can handle it, but at times you may not know that. So, I always want you to keep in your mind that I'll always be watching over you. No matter what, don't be afraid to ask for my help and I promise that I'll be there to guide you. Maybe not in physical form but in my mental form, I'll be there. Now stop crying and be the wise girl I've known since you were born."

During that speech, I stopped crying. My tears eventually dried, but I knew that more will come. Maybe not now, but sooner or later, I'll cry for my grandfather again. But for now, I just enjoyed my grandfather's presence. Everyone eventually came back inside and my grandfather's breathing started to slow down. By now, my mom had taken my place in holding his hand, but I was on the other side, secretly giving my grandfather support like he had done for me for years. Eventually, my grandfather's breathing stopped altogether, but he still held that all knowing smile on his face. My mom collapsed into his chest, her heavy sobs bringing more tears to my eyes as I realize that Nana was actually gone. But the painful sting of him leaving dulled as I felt at peace. It was as if my grandfather was still here, comforting me in my time of need...

*End of Flashback*


I'm snapped out of my thoughts when James yells my name to get my attention. I shake my head to get rid of the remnants of the memory and turn to James tiredly smiling.

"Let's go"

With that, James and I walk out of the room and start towards James's room to finish the book we both had started.


I close the book and turn towards James's sleeping body once more to see him lying his head on my shoulder. I don't know when I developed a soft spot for this kid, all I know is that he reminds me of my nephew so much. I stop smiling at the reminder of my dad's side of the family. The side that never wanted me, the side that threw me out of their house in my time of need. The only people I would ever be able to forgive would be my cousin, who lives in London and my other cousin, the one who holds my beloved nephew. Only because they were the only ones willing to take me in. I shake me head to stop the unhealthy thoughts forming in my mind and tuck James back into his bed. I leave the book once again on his bedside table and leave the small room as quietly as I can. I close the door and turn around, only to find Kaiden about to yell at me.

"Shh, He's asleep." I hiss at him.

I grab his arm and walk towards the closest empty room. As soon as we enter, he pulls his arm out of my hand and I turn around.

"What the hell-"

"Was I doing in his room?" I finish Kaiden's question.

At my angry tone, Kaiden seems to finally shut up for once. I take that as my chance.

"I was trying to take the kid's mind off of the topic that was so abruptly brought up by you and your almighty boss. I can't believe that, despite knowing he was hurt, you guys didn't do anything about it! He's just a kid and he shouldn't have to carry something like that with him! So, I went to him, in hopes of not only for an explanation, but to also take his mind off of the topic. Don't believe me? Then I don't care. But you can go inside and see the book I was reading to him."

With that paragraph of an explosion, I leave and go straight towards my room in hopes of actually being able to fall asleep, knowing that probably might not happen.


What do you think? I'm kinda proud, but that's only because I'm still sticking to my schedule I've implemented. Anyways, you might have heard some random stuff in their that may not make sense.

Nana- Grandfather (Mother's Father) in Gujarati.

Relationships in India - Cousins are considered brothers and sisters, so their kids are considered you nieces and nephews.


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