Chapter 7: Trust Issues

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Hey guys!!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while..... I have exams going on ok?! You can't blame me for trying my best to focus on studying! Anyway, I'm just gonna say that I'll try to update as best as I can.
Thanks for understanding!!
- Bhumi Sukha


Krys's P.O.V

"Once I show you something, you might just believe me once and for all." He says. That's when the door bursts open and little James is standing there out of breath, almost like he ran here. "What is it?" Aaron asks a little irritated. "It's Yuri. She's being taken to the infirmary." says James still trying to catch his breath. "What?" I ask, a little bit confused, but then I remember Ash Girl is Yuri. I start to get a cold feeling in my stomach. "Take me to the infirmary." I order James. He just looks at me weird, but when he glances at his dad and Aaron nods in agreement, James then relents and leads me to the infirmary. 'Why am I all of a sudden worried about this random person that I don't know?' I question myself. Even though I'm questioning myself. I secretly know the answer to my question. The reason I'm so worried is because we're both new to this place and the only person we can both really trust is each other. With that new thought I ask James to hurry up and boy does he. It's a pain to keep up with this kid's speed. It's probably because I lack the energy, but I mean what can I say? Nothing, exactly. I see two big doors that can be swung open and I know instantly that this is the infirmary. I push past the doors ahead of James and look around. No one notices me and my weird worried behavior. The noise level in this room is like you would expect in the emergency room. "I need Dr. Spades in here ASAP!" I hear someone exclaim in hurry. I keep looking around until I spot Yuri. She's sitting in a hospital bed clutching her arm, pain clearly written on her face. That's when I spot a boy. He looks Asian as well, with pretty almond shaped eyes that are a warm caramel. And pale skin with long brown bangs hanging in his face. I then spot a doctor who was showing her an X-ray, probably of Yuri's arm. I suddenly realize that I'm not moving at all. 'I can't believe I'm so stupid. Why should I trust and worry about a girl who barely knows me?' I shake my head at my stupidity and turn around, suddenly very exhausted. I walk out the door and quietly ask James to lead me to 'my room'. As I open the door, I go to the dresser and pull out black pajamas, not even caring about the black scheme and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I'm done with brushing my teeth and changing into the black pajamas, I go and climb into the very large cloud like bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow. I fall asleep and blackness soon surrounds me to a merciful dreamless sleep.

Yuri's P.O.V

I'm sitting here in the hospital bed and all I can think about is the pain in my arm. It's like a fire spreading through it all and I still can't believe my stupidity. Of course I'm gonna break my arm if I punch a solid arm. What did I think I was? Superman? Wonder Woman? I'm suddenly regretting my decision of punching the wall in my anger. As I'm regretting my decision, the doctor walks in. What was her name again? I can't remember because of my pain filled state. She introduces herself again as Dr. Annabella Dewinter. 'How did I forget a name like that again?' I don't even know, but it happens ok? I direct my attention to the X-ray she took earlier and she that there's only a clean break in my arm. (A/N: I don't know anything about this since I've never broken anything. So please forgive my mistake!) Dr. Dewinter resets it for me and I scream into the towel they pressed between my lips. Suddenly the pain is over with and she puts a cast in my arm and in a sling. I mean don't get me wrong, the pain is still there, but it's not as bad as before. Anyway, Akagi leads me back to my room. He says nothing as I open my room door and step inside. I get ready for with much difficulty and lie down. 'Why is this happening to me?' I think to myself. What in the world did I do to deserve this? Soon enough these question turn into nothingness as darkness consumes me yet again.


Well.... did you like it?
Again I'm still trying to work out a few kinks in the plot, but I think it's going pretty good. Anyway gonna keep this short so don't forget to stay awesome cookies and VOTE & COMMENT!!
- Bhumi Sukha!

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