Dare #8, 9, and 10- Nightmares

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Xatik: welp here we go! We Got 3 dares today! So lets get started!

Bill: first up is Mlp102.

Mlp102: ok! I dare Rascal to be a girl for the next 4 dares!

Rascal: WHAT?! *poof of smoke appears around him and when it disappears it reveals a girl that looks pretty much just like Rascal but with a larger chest*

Ulric: *snorts and starts choking on the __insert_drink_here__ he was drinking*

Brute: HA perhaps we should start calling you Rascalle!

Brooha: *wips away an invisible tear* thats the greatest idea you've ever had Brute

Ulric: and thats saying something!

Emily: is it wrong that I actually think he.. she?... looks pretty?

Chloe: does this make me a lesbian?

Xatik: good question... you fainted before you could say yes to him so... but you to are constantly next to esch other soooo... maybe...

*epwolf clears throat*

Xatik: woops forgot about you 2! Ok epwolf name your dare!

Epwolf: don't have to tellme twice! I dare everyone to be animals!

*and so it twas. (A/n it took me 2hrs but heres what I came up with.)
Emily- Pony
Kelsey- Phoenix (cause she's pratically a pyro stereotype)
April- turtle
Lily- deer (thx to ShayleeTheWarrior for helping me with this one!)
Chloe- polar bear
Rascal- cat
Brooha- raven
Brute- poodle (with that afro of his ir was bound to happen)
Ulric- wolf (of course)*

Emily: ima pony! Yeah! *starts to Gallup around*

April: what?! How am I a turtle? Im the fastest person on the team!

Brooha: I guess its beter than what it could be... * glances at brute*

Brute: *swats at ulrics paw that was patting his poofy afro* stop it.

Ulric: but its to poofy to resist. *continues patting it*

Rascal: at least he has yet to chase me around... yet

Xatik: good thing we weren't effected. Ok next and final dare *points at ShayleeTheWarrior*

ShayleeTheWarrior: ok! I dare *points at bill* to go into Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and meet Nightmare... and he has to survive to the 3rd night!

Bill: *smirks* as you wish

Xatik: *pulls out a radio and says into it* ok axel hes gone.

Axel: *appears through a dark corridor* ok I got the guns, flashlights, salt, iron, holy water, water, almost got Dymex but Saix said no... hey kelsey! Like the new look. Very pyro-ish.

Kelsey: thanks I guess...

April: was that a complement or an insult?

Chloe: I think it may have been both...

Xatik: great! *hands ShayleeTheWarrior a gun and flash light* your dare, you're helping.

Emily: whats all the stuff for?

Xatik: here some math. Bill plus a hell house of haunted killing machines equals....

Emily: I flunked math...

Axel: its simple. Bills going to bring them here.

Lily: wha? B-but why?

Xatik: because hes a psychotic, demented, triangular shaped dream demon. Its in his blood.

Axel: do demons even have blood?

Xatik: good question. I've never seen him with out that exoskeleton of his so I wouldn't know.

Axel: true..

*over where ever Five Nights At Freddy's take place at*

Bill: long time no see, Nightmare.

Nightmare: Bill M. Cipher. Is that you?

Bill: oh don't sound so disappointed. We all know you missed me! Just emit it!

Nightmare: never in your wildest nightmares! .... say... do you want to join us?

Bill: you mean stalk a kid in the darkness and try to kill them? Oh I don't know. It seems like something Xatik would try to kill me over... im just kidding! LETS GOT TRAMATIZE A LITTLE KID!

Nightmare: now we're in business!

*3 long nights later*

Xatik: its been 3 nights...

Axel: get ready...

ShayleeTheWarrior: im sooo not ready to fight hell.

* a dark corridor opens*

Xatik: *jumps out from behind a box* we got- oh its just you.

Bill: yeah its just me! Who else did you think it would be?

Xatik: attack!

Axel: *jumps out from behind rock* on it! *shoots bullets at Bill*

Xatik: get him! We have to see whats under his exoskeleton!

Kelsey: really?

Xatik: hey we have to do something with all the spare bullets.

*no-one sees the glowing red eyes. No but...*

Rascal: *still a cat* go to hell! *throws a glass of water at Nightmare Freddy and Bonnie*

Freddy: how ...did ...you know?

Rascal: I was curious. *turns and leaves*

Ulric: *smirks* curiosity is what killed the cat.

Chloe: *holds out a claw armed paw* just try it.

Ulric: *backs away and whimpers*

Candy: whats all the noise about? Im trying to sleep over here!

Pop: *hands over some ear plugs* shhhh. Sleep sis.

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