Dare #18.5 +19 +20: How to Curse Politely

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Xatik: Hello everyone! Xatik hopes you've had a good time!

Bill: *in his human form* yes, may I
Offer you some trans dimensional tea? *hands a tea cup to Brute* one deer tooth or two?

Brute: ummm...

Axel: *pops up behind Kelsey* o un biscotti?

Chloe: 1) why is the guy with a french name speaking italian to japanese girls in an American tv character's dreamscape? 2) you guys are being oddly nice. Its creepy. stop.

Rascal: this could be seen as a bad omen. Or some genius dared them to be nice to one another.

Axel: tu  so noi.

Bill: Axel. Your idea of speaking in different languages to confuse the reader and get a pass on cursing is absolutely ingenious!

Axel: Je so?! E tu con parle y.

*both start laughing like maniacs*

Xatik: Yes! Animelover44131 dared Bill, Axel, and Xatik to be nice for once!

Axel: which means no cursing, my dear Xatik. *gives a cookie to Rascal*

Bill: no killing either! *takes a sip of his tea*

Lily: so they have no idea how to be nice so they act like this to get by with it?

Xatik: you are absolutely correct! *claps hands together* Xatik likes this game! Xatik wants Animelover to tell us her dare!

Animelover: I dare Lily to flirt with rascal and Chloe to become a yander

Lily: um o-ok. Um h-hi Rascal... um..

Bill: out of pure politness, please read this pick up line if you have none in mind. I got it from an incubus friend of mine.

Axel: tu n' pas Nightmare Gottschalk?!

Bill: yes. He isnt so bad really. These are his more mild ones.

Axel: mi non so...

Lily: um... thank you bill.. um R-Rascal, I always thought the source of hells hotness was fire. But in truth it was you? *blushes seriously*

Candy: what does that mean?

Pop: nothing lets go over here out of earshot of the people. Atleast until those 3 return to normal.

Rascal: why thank you, my dear, you really are so kind. *gives lily a flower*

Chloe: *sends glares at Lily from behind him. Thinking only of ways to kill her.*

Ulric: *mimes vomiting behind Chloe*

Xatik: welp that was easy! Dare done! He he! Xatik did alliteration!

Bill: I never knew you had such high vocabulary Xatik. It quite impressive. Really.

Axel: Si! Si!

Xatik: awe you guy! You're making Xatik blush!

Bill: oh! We almost forgot Mlp! don't forget Mlp102!

Axel: si! Lei parle inglese ! Lei non parle Francois!!

Mlp102: ok... hey Rascal, I dare you to fight Edward Elric. And ah.. Bill, I bet you $10 that Ed will win, you in?

Bill: I... sadly can't.  It's not very polite to make bets. But it is polite to got fetch people who are needed in dares! Specifically Edaward Elric.

Axel: Oui. Je suis regrette Eddy.

Chloe: now he speaking French...

Emily: thats french?

April: I thought you took a class on French.

Emily: well that doesn't mean I passed.

Axel: I relate.

Ulric: hey he speaks english again!

Axel: Mi non so.

Brooha: and now he doesn't.

Brute: how did he learn all this any way?

Axel: Computer classi.

Emily: well I heard that one. Compter classes. Maybe I still have a chance at french after all!

Chloe: that was Italian...

Emily: oh.... I like italian food!

Axel: mange un pizza o un biscotto? *offers pizza and a cookie*

Emily: sure!

Edward: Let go of me!

Bill: its ok. We aren't going to hurt you. Rascal might. But he's supposed to fight you.

Xatik: Xatik likes this boy! Xatik thinks he's cute! * jumps up and down clapping her hands together*

Edward: what the hell?

Axel: Xatik fermi. Lui non piace tu.

Xatik: Xatik is sure he doesn't mind! After all Xatik is a good girl!

Bill: *starts hyperventilating*

Axel: *covers mouth trying to say a perfect comeback*

Brute: are they ok?

Axel: je non parle, je non parle. Je non parle... *cramps cookies in his mouth*

Bill: *starts breathing into a bag*

Xatik: they just want to say something really bad and naughty. They are not good boys.

Edward: so ...who is it im susposed to fight?

Rascal: me apparently.

Edward: huh? A clown. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Axel: tu non idea.

Ulric: I guess he never completed his computer course.

Kelsey: don't blame him. Foreign languages are hard to master.

Edward: ok so lets go. *Pulls out Axel's Chakrams*

Axel: oi! Y mio! *points at his weapons*

Edward: *sticks tongue out* some lady gave 'em to me!

Axel: Author- chan... tu stanzia!

Bill: I toast to that!

Axel: oui! *takes a glass from Bill and does a toast*

Xatik: xatik too! Xatik too! *joins the toast* What are we toasting to?

Axel: sama é un stanzia!

Xatik: ok! Xatik knows enough curse words to know what that means!

Rascal: *throws a card at Edward's head* lets start already!

*edward dodges then trows a chakram at Rascal*

*Rascal uses a card as protection*

*Axel secretly activates his chakrams fire ability and it burns through the card*

*Chakram hits Rascal in the gut and he screams clunching his stomach*

Edward: I win!

*the chakrams and Edward dissapear in a poof of smoke*

Chloe: Rascal!

Rascal: *stands up* I'm fine! He got me but the cuts healed.

Bill: I have to be nice so I decided to heal it up for you. *insert his left eye twitch*

Axel: mio duce!

Xatik: aren't we so nice!!!

Everyone: *sweatdrops*

(Nobody knows what happened to Edward after Bill made him disappear. But for some reason poor Edward woke up in the morning needing serious mental therapy and had mysterious burn marks all over his body.)

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