Dare #25: HAPPY BIRTHDAY*sarcastically*!!

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A/n: im really sorry readers for takung Xatik out!!! But she really did die and it felt wrong to bring her back to life here and even worse to ditch this fanfic all together! So I made Rhaexlle to be her totally awesome replacement!  Pls let me know what you think of her! She was a last minute half baked cookie who needs your guidance!

Rhaexlle: A dare SOMEONE was supposed to do a few months ago.

Axel: huh?

Bill: we're starting again?

Rascal: *smirks* Finally after all these year- *shoe flies across the room*

April: nope. Not this time. Bill says that phrase enough.

Chloe: hey! Don't hit him!

Lily: yeah! Its not nice!

April: but he's being annoying! *points at Rascal*

Emily: isn't he always annoying?

Rascal: I'm right here.

Ulric: haha! You got in trouble!

April: *throws her other shoe at rascal,  the shoe hits spot on and bounces off him onto Ulrics head*


Rhaexlle: score! *fist pump*

Bill: Decade!

Axel: wtf? Er- Fortnight?

Bill: you ruined it.

Candy: I dont get it..

Pop: ignore the crazy people sis...

Kelsey: nice shot april... why'd you through it at him though?

April: it was annoying to be wearing one shoe.

Bill: *floats over and stares her in the eye (eyes? Seriously which is it?!)* HOLY AXOLOTL!  I'M OUT NO WAY AM I GOTTA BE HERE WITH THAT THING! SEE YA! BYE GOLD B-  *April's glitter pact hitts him on the head*

Rhaexlle: whats that about?

Axel: *looks at April* hehe... SEE YA! IF BILLS OUT I'M OUT!

Rhaexlle:... welp thats it for 'em I guess...

Chloe: oh! I think I know! April are you-

April: *glares* what do you think?!

Emily: that would be an affirmative.  She's on her Period.

Candy and Brute: whats-

Pop: no. Just... no.

Brooha: im out to. I'm to old for this. I'll be over there with the furries. Aka pixies.

Ulric: and she finally emits.

Emily: aren't you a furry?

Ulric: *anime stile deadpan + though depression lines *(idk anymore)

Rhaexlle: *saddly* im all alone.

Lily: its ok...* patts Rhaexlle s back while eternally screaming "she accually has feaking feelings! Is the world ending?!*

Rhaexlle: welp. I'm running this thing by my self now... *shrugs* ok Mlp102 (YES! AUTHOR CHAN FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT! NO MORE RUNNING AROUND MY ACCOUNT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO DARED WHAT!) whats your dare~


Emily: uhh... where is she?

Rhaexlle: damn Axel *shakes fist* he left before I could tell him to got go get the prisoners- er- guests... I'll be right back.

Ask or dare bill cipher, the glitter force, and bad end characters! +++Where stories live. Discover now