Dare #12 and #13: Creepypasta, Drunk Rascal, and Female Bill

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Xatik: ok. Ok. Here we go.

Brute: finally! Ive been waitin forever!!!

Bill: finally after all these-

Xatik: nope, your not doing that. This is going to be abit rushed so sorry readers. First dare is from Animelover4413 who wants bill to be a female plus something else that requires... axel that your queue.
Bill: *a poof surrounds bill. When it clears hes still the same*

Brute: its Jill Cipher!

Rascal: thats the greatest idea you've ever had.

Axel: *comes in holding some beer above his head* sorry I late. It took me 354 dollars while gamling with luxurd but I got it! *start passing them out*

Rascal: can we even get drunk in here.

Emily: ...im pretty dure we're under age for that...

Xatik: yeah we know. Next dare is from Cl_dragoneel who wanted... * squints at the writing on her hand* emily and ulric to go on a ship... wait its be a ship! Ulric and emily has to date now. Forever. No objections. Your a thing.

Ulric: what why me?

Brooha: Ha! Whats next? Brute and lily?

Ulric: better yet how bout brooha and kelsey! *glares at brooha*

Kelsey: do you have some thing against me wolfboy?

Ulric: who you calling wolf boy? *lunges at kelsey*

*kelsey lunges back*

Dana: you leave puppy- chan alone!!!!

Bill: holy Axolotl! Where the hell did you come from?! *grabs throat* my voice is so high pitched... more than usual!


Dana: hes MINE!!!! *tackles emily*

Emily: HELP!!

Chloe: emily hold on!

Xatik: psst. Axel. Wheres the guns.

Axel: relax. I got em right here. After a couple beers xigbar was past out. I got both with out a problem.

Xatik: you make me wonder just how many illegal things you did with Saix.

Axel: you dont wanna know.

Xatik: ok! One last dare... we need a creepypasta person... bill that was you job. Did you do it? Bill?

*everyone turns to see bill.*

Bill: what? I asked but they just through stuff at me. Very pointy stuff.

April: aren't you pointy?

Bill: its different!!! *voice cracks and she buries is head.*

Candy: is he ok?

Chloe: I think he- er- shes going through puberty with hormones and stuff.

April: yeash. Now I feel bad.

Brute: pubertecey? Whats that?

Brooha: im not telling him.

Ulric: well im not!

Xatik: welp I can cross that off the list.

*a shot is fired at jill- bill- whatever*

Bill: EEEEPPP!!!

rascal: ILL  kill  yoooo-oooou. *holds gun at bill while swaying side to side*

Kelsey: is he ...drunk?

April: well that didnt take long.

Lily: where did he get that gun from?

*elsewhere in that room*

Axel: the gun has been successfully planted and picked up.

Xatik:*high fives*

Bill:* runs off* hellp me! Xatik? Axel? Comon guys! Plz!

Xatik: sorry were all out of room!

Bill: *dodges bullet* hes going to kill me!!! *voice cracks again* I hate everyone!

Rascal: *fires again* thATS THe poooo int.

Bill: *runs in circles*

Axel: female bill is boring. When do we stop them?

Xatik: when rascals soberish.

Axel: *sigh* you wanna play cards?

Xatik: sure.

Im soooo sorry I didnt update for so long. I lost wifi and all that fun stuff. This is a little rushed cause im doing this with my moms friends wifi and I have no idea how long well be here. Continue to dare and ill see what I can do.

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