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Rhoxy: oh? We're back?

Emily: *huffs* about time!

Bill: no. Not yet A-s has something to announce.

*From a beam of light in the ceiling a spaghetto floats down and speaks*

Spaghetto: I am the spirit of A-s. I was sent to inform all who wish to have a dare done must speak now. For the great A-s is not on her phone and is far to lazy to go back through her history and find what dares she now has.

*Spaghetto exits stage right*

Ulric: gah. This is so boring! There's literally nothing to do.

Brute: yeah. Someone took all our money.

*everyone looks at Rascal*

Rascal: not my fault you three suck at poker. And Crazy 8. And old Maid. And Bs. And Mao. And-

Chloe: I think they get the point Rascal...

Rhoxy: *stabs the 4th wall* You! Yes you, reader! Drop a dare before I break the rest of this wall and force you to pay for it!
*whispers* You think they listened?

Cu: *whispers* no.

Rhoxy: *whispers* darn.

Bill: *whispers* you know they can still read the words you whispering right?

Rhoxy: *whispers* excuse me but this is an A B conversation so you can just C your way out.

Axel: I'm blood type AB! Can I join??

Cu: da faq? No. Just no.

Ask or dare bill cipher, the glitter force, and bad end characters! +++Where stories live. Discover now