BRR3!!~ Bill vs... FNAf Nightmare...

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Bill: my 30th chapter!

wolfannamoonshine: yeah... congrats?

Rhaexlle: its a big deal since he's the only host still alive and has been here since the beginning.

Axel: so.. he's survived 30 chapter's of dares?

Bill: it's a big deal. Especially since I've only have had 2 concussions.

Rhaexlle: 3. Xatik gave you 2. I've given you 1.

Bill: whe-?

Rhaexlle: sshhhh. You just don't remember it~

Bill: ?

Cù: wait.. I thought you were here the whole time too, Axel.

Axel: hm?

Brooha: he was sent in as an outlet for Bill's abusing.

Axel: wait. WHAT?!

Rhaexlle: sounds about right.

Lily: it's pretty accurate.

Axel: so ima punching dummy for Bill?!

Sanson: I was wondering why Author Sama allowed you in here. Besides the fact you're the only being who can get away with illegal drug smuggling into a dream realm.

Wolf: can I say my dare now??

Rhaexlle: sure.

Wolf: yeah! Bill verses Nightmare FNAF. Rules:
Bill can't kill and if he loses, he has to eat an entire super mega alpha omega beta party pack size bag of doritos complete in 6 different flavors
Nightmare can't kill either and he can choose a weapon, but if he loses, he has to never steal the coffee and fix the hole in the roof.

Rhaexlle: you are a God... ess? In this day and age you just can't tell.

Bill: you are a demon. Wait. Im a demon...

Sanson: could you two not say mortals are Devils and Gods?

Rhaexlle:... waitm.. Are you Catholic or something?

Sanson: more or less. Either way I dislike you two saying such things.

Rhaexlle: *sticks tongue out*  Sorry but im strickly a Jashinist.

Sanson: watch that tongue.  I may cut it off.

Bill: *eye-palms* ow my eye... why did I not see that coming.

Rhaexlle: *sadistic smirk*

Chloe: whats a Jashinist?

Rascal: *stands jump and draws a line on the ground* this is where I draw the line. Chloe, my dear, a Jasinist is in short a person who kills people as a sacrifice to a fake god/ demon Jashin.

Ulric: so Wolfy here is Jasin? Rhaexlle and Bill said she was a God and Demon.

*everyone looks at Wolfanna*

Wolf: uhhh... I can tell you im not this Jashin guy. Who ever he is.

Rhaexlle: Jashin is Awesome! You get to kill people then kill yourself!

Axel: wait for it.

Rhaexlle: something I wish Axel would do.

Axel: called it.

Wolf: ok... can we move on with my dare now?

Rhaexlle: oh yeah. Bill! front and center! You too Nightmare. I know your in here so don't even bother hiding.

Rhaexlle: uh... I will drag you out and .uhhh.  EXTREMELY LAME THREAT!

April: wtf

Kelsey: im starting to think he's not here...

Nightmare: oh im here. I just wanted to see Rhaexllene's reaction to being wrong.

Rhaexlle: Bill. Beep this beeping beeper. Or else I will EXTREMELY LAME THREAT!

April: why is she yelling this?!

Kelsey: this is sad.

Bill: oh. I have plans on smiting him!

Nightmare: *summons machine gun* we'll see about that.


Bill and Nightmare: *points at each other* HE'S IMMORTAL!


Bill (hp 100): *summons giant dorito that smashes the roof and 'kills' Nightmare.

Nightmare: *is hit* (- 100)

Rhaexlle: damn.

Candy: i wonder if it tastes good...

Emily: probably not...

Bill: I win. *turns to leave*

Rhaexlle: he looks too smug... great. Now I have to choose who to screw over.

Rhaexlle: the guy who steels my coffee.. or enjoy watching Bill eat doritos?

Chloe: oh! I get it. Why not both of them?

Rhaexlle: ?... oh! I see!

Bill: ?>/0-0\


Bill: *beep*

Nightmare: *gets up trying to reattach his arm* ha!

Rhaexlle: don't ha him quite yet. You still lost.

Nightmare: heh?

Rhaexlle: the word kill in the text above was in quotes. Signaling it wasn't technical.

Bill: so who wins?

Rhaexlle: who ever finishes their loosing bid first.

Bill: *looks at his bagged brethren*

Nightmare: *looks up at the broken cieling then at Rhaexlle*

Nightmare: what of the coffee?

Rhaexlle: they are mine.

*time skip*

Nightmare: *builds roof* done! Welp im out. Thx for the coffee Rhoxy!

Rhaexlle: you're on my hit list now.

Bill: done! *rushs out of the room*

Pop: he actually ate it?!

Rhaexlle: no. He telleported them to his closet. Hey Axel, got amy bombs left?

Axel: *pulls out bomb* do I?

Rhaexlle: *smirks* You. Me. 2am. Bill's closet. Bring the bombs.

Cù: *chokes intensely*

April: that sounds so wrong.

Rhaexlle: thats the point.

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