Dare #17 +18: To Lazy To Come Up With a Title

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Xatik: we're back!!!

Chloe: she's in a good mood.

Axel: its because she realized that she's the longest OC author- chan ever kept.

Bill: Most get replaced or killed in role plays. Hence why she doesn't role play any more. She's been alive for about 5 months now.

Candy: wow.

Pop: what's the shortest?

Bill: 2 days.

Ulric: damn. That short?

Axel: yeah. *does the Catholic cross over the heart thing. I honestly don't know what it is called*

Xatik: 2 dares today! There was one request that could not be filled due to no internet and author chan being lazy! Er -I mean Author chan wanting to finish the next chapter quickly! First up is Kawaiikiwi236!

Emily: thats a new one! Usally it's SheyleeTheWarrior or Mlp102!

Brute: or Epwolf.

Axel: I heard she just got her account.

Xatik: *hits him with the lexicon (a/n im sorry if its gotten old for you. But my OC has a bad habit of hotting people with her brother's dictionary- er- lexicon. And I find it funny so deal with it. XP)* no personal stuff on the chapter!

Axel: but Bill told me!

Bill: hey! I'll burn your eye balls out for that one Axel!

Axel: Its pay back for sicking Barbados on me a while back!

Bill: I'll do it again! And I'll tell that Dana girl you were flirting with Ulric!

Xatik: no need. Axel, Bill can say personal stuff because it his mindscape we're using. You can't.  Got it memorized?

Axel: *glares*

Kiwi: can I say my dare now?

Xatik: no. *hits Axel with the lexicon for no paricular reason* ok now you can.

Kiwi: ok. hey bill I'll ask you one thing, how are you still alive didn't you get erased with other memories at the end of gravity falls?

Axel: do you hear that?

Candy: hear what?

Xatik: yeah I do.

April: what are you talking about?

Axel: I'm talking about the sound of Author chan fangirling on the other side of the universe.

Kelsey: huh. I think I can here it. But it's pretty faint.

Pop: why is she fangirling over this question?

Bill: she's obsessed with me.

Axel: no. She's obsessed with Gravity Falls.

Every one in the room: ...

Brooha: whats that any way?

Xatik: shhhh. Don't ask. The unicorn tacocats wouldn't be happy if we boke that wall too. Lets just say bill tried to take over the world but failed. So he called apon a-

Bill: no. My question my answer.

Chloe: sooo...

Bill:* leans back* what she said is a lie-

Author- chan: *fangirling*

Bill: what really ..

Author- chan: *fangirling*

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