Battle Royal Round 1+ dare #33

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Axel: *points to Emily* I chose you!

Rhaexlle: *cough cough* anime quote *cough*

Bill: WAIT!

wolfannamoonshine: BILL FIX THE HOLE! *ceiling hole*

FNAF Nightmare: awwww man. Now how will I get my coffee?

*jumps onto the roof* my coffee. Now DIE *kicks him in that area*

FNAF Nightmare: *holds said area and curls up*

Rhaexlle: *Kicks him faaaaaar away*

Nightmare: *crashs through roof*

Random Voice #1: KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!

Random Voice #2: *screams*

Rhaexlle:... SORRY! *jumps down and sees Bill starring at her* what?

Bill: ... Dora quote... seriously?

Rhaexlle: Bill, just plug the hole.

Cú: yeah! Fill the hole Bill.

April: *jumps up* THATS WHAT SHE SAID! *high fives Cú and Ulric*

Kelsey: ohhhhhh!

Chloe: *facepalms *

Rascal: *buries his head in his hands laughing*

Brooha: *falls backwards*

Brute: *gives confused look*

Candy: *looks around* who said that?

Brute: yeah... im pretty sure Cú is not a girl soooo which one of you girls said it?

Lily: *covers her face*

Pop: *sighs* not it.

Emily: *sweatdrops* well im not telling them.

Lily: Pop, pleeeaaaaseeee?

Pop: nope.

Rhaexlle: no.. just no. Wolfanna, save us!

wolfannamoonshine: welp im this dareèr -

Sanson: it's still not french.

Wolfanna: soooo I make the rules! *claps hands together*
Emily can't get help from the rest, and if she loses, she has to wear a blindfold for 2 chapters.
Axel gets a choice of two weapons, no more and if she loses, she has to go by her real name for 2 chapters.

Axel: IM NOT A SHE! and NEVER!

Cú: can I???

Rhaexlle: no.

Bill: fixed it!

Rhaexlle: good. Now than Axel your weapons???

Axel: duh! My chalkrams! *makes said pyro wheels appear (pic above)*

Emily: *transforms to Glitter Lucky*

Lucky: ok... ready?

Bill: *summons clouds for everyone to sit on*

Axel: *gets into fighting stance* set.

Candy: *sniffs cloud* can I eat this?

Rhaexlle: GO!

(Im keeping track of hp. This is also funny cause im a comedian. ..not)

Axel (hp/ 100): *throws chalkram*

Em- er- Lucky (hp/ 100): *Dodges by jumping in the air* ok! Glitter Force! SPARKLE. .. STORM!! *pink storm thingy hits Axel*

Axel (hp/ 64): *gets hit* (-36 hp)

Axel: *runs at Lucky*

Lucky: *runs away from Axel screaming*

Axel: *trips on rock* (-3 hp)

Axel (hp 61): what the f***?! Where did this rock come from?!!

Lucky: *sneak attacks*

Axel: *sees attack and counteracts*

Lucky: *hit* (- 18 hp)

Lucky (hp 82): oof!

Axel (hp 61): *snaps* goodbye~

Lucky: *explodes into ball of flames* ( DEATH )


Glitter gals: LUCKY!

Candy: EMILY NOOOO! *receives hug from Pop*

Rhaexlle: Hey! HEY Bill guess what?!

Bill: what...?

Rhaexlle: Sanson!

Sanson: ... are you sure?


Sanson: *sigh* very well then. *knocks new hole in roof*


Rhaexlle: ZEXY~~~!

Zexion: *appears behind them* what? I just reached the best part in my book.

Rhaexlle: revival time!

Bill: Emily. Aka Glitter Lucky. Home world Earth. Japan. Agae 15.

Zexion: alright. *draws summoning circle and chants weird words*

Emily: *reappears* I LIVE! *Rhaexlle covers her eyes*

Glitter Force: *hug tackles her*

Zexion: *leaves*

Rhaexlle: *smirks* *pulls out Lexicon*

Bill: you got to be kidding me..

Rhaexlle: he he nope~♡ now if you will excuse meep...

*takes off towards the last known location of FNAF Nightmare*

Pop: earlier when she hurt that guy... he fell someplace else.. I heard some people yelling..

Bill: yep. It was our new NEIGHBORS. Apparently im a landlord now. ALTHOUGH NO ONE PAYS RENT!

wolfannamoonshine: *through wall* ILL NEVER PAY YOU!

☆) Darer and Author-sama owns all.
2)Chloe (lost in poker match)
3)April (was frozen by Chloe)
4) Cú (gained status through challenging Rhoxy)
5) Rhaexlle (refuses to tell how she came to be 5. Just that she is)
6) Nightmare FNAF (Rhaexlle recently poisoned his coffee)
7) Bill (refuses to tell how FNAF beat him. Just that he did)
8) Kelsey (lost in starring contest to Bill)
9) Sanson (lost to Kelsey in starring contest)
10) Ulric (lost to Kelsey on a number of occasions)
11) Brooha (poker match)
12) Pop
13) Brute (Pop's fluffier than Brute)
14) Axel (beat Emily in Round 1)
15) Dana (is grounded by ShayleeTheWarrior)
16) Candy (her cuteness didn't work against Dana)
17) Lily (couldn't handle Candy's cuteness)
18)Nightmare Gottschalk (*coughs up blood*)
19) Zexion (he kicks Axels a**)
20) Xatik's ghost (theirs no way she could ever hurt Zexy!)
21) Emily(lost to Axel in Round 1)

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