Chapter 59: Short chapter

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Two days later

"What will be her name?" the nurse at the desks asks me.

"Itzamari Lock Johnson," I answer.

"That's a nice name," she smiles and writes down the name.

"Can I see her?" I ask.

"Sure, she has been moved to the regular baby room, but she is still going to be under treatment."

We walk to the baby room and I see her. She is widely awake. Her little hands touch the tubes going inside her nose. I tap the glass to get her attention, but she doesn't turn.

"She is so cute," I tell the male nurse in the room.

"She has a good set of lungs despite her condition," he chuckles.

"Just like her mom."

I check on Paul. I see worry in his eyes. I tell him Widow got called for a scholarship interview and she is coming back tomorrow. After that, I don't know what to say. I know he isn't stupid. I cannot just stop talking about Widow.

"Hopefully she gets the scholarship," I tell him. He blinks once.

"Well, I will come back later. I think your little sister is coming to visit you."

He smiles.


I go check on Widow. I can't go in the room but I ask the nurse about her condition. She tells me she is just stable. She needs to get better. She can't just leave like that.

"Hey," Rachel says hi.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask.

"I have been better. How is Widow?"


"And the baby?"

I smile, "I gave her a name."

"you did?"

"yeah," I chuckle, "her name is Itzamari Lock Johnson."

"Wait," Rachel shakes her head, "You gave her your name?"

"Was that bad?"

"James, that baby is Paul's baby," Rachel says worried. "Did you ask his parents? or Joe?"


"Oh James," she sighs, "you need to ask them."

"We still have time to change it," I say.

"Well, then, I can help you talk to them about the name," she smiles. "It's pretty."


I am stuck at school. I found out yesterday about Widow and her baby. I need to look if she is okay. I need to take care of her.

"Jackson?" Jessica whispers.

"Yeah?"I turn to her.

"I can't focus on this history stuff," she whispers, "I need to see if Widow is okay."

"we can't go, at least I can't."

She nods and goes back to note taking. I can't focus either but I need to pass this class.

Time goes on slow but it is finally time to get out of school. Jessica is waiting for me next to her car. "Hurry, visiting hours will be over."

"yeah yeah, let's go."

We arrive to the hospital. I text Rachel about where she is. She directs me to the floor Widow's room is.

I see Rachel and James siting down in the waiting area. "hey," I say.

"How is she?" Jessica asks.

"Okay, she is stable," James answers. We sit next to him. "and the baby?" I ask.

"She is just like a little copy of Widow," James smiles, "she is a pretty angel."

"Can we see her?" Jessica asks.

"Yeah but only through the glass," Rachel says.

"is she still sick?" I ask.

James turns to my direction. "She is okay but since she is still considered a premature baby. Her lungs might look like mine and yours but not fully develop. She needs to stay here a while so they can help her breath."

"Good," I say. "does Paul's parents know?"

"Yeah," James answers, "they came yesterday. They can't be absent from their jobs if they want to continue paying for Paul's treatments."

"Does Paul know?" Jessica asks.

"No, I told him that Widow needed to go out of town for a scholarship interview. But I don't know what else to say when tomorrow comes and he doesn't see her."

I sigh, "Why did all of this suddenly happened?"

"God only knows," Rachel says.

Minutes later, I decide to go see the baby by myself.

I go into the baby room. The nurse directs me to her. I look down in the glass cube and see a little girl wrapped around a pink blanket. She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. She opens her eyes and looks directly at me. Something hits my heart because my chest begins to hurt. I have suddenly so many emotions.

"My little baby," I whisper. Did I just say that?

"Can you get her out?" I ask the nurse. She shakes her head, "No sir. She is somewhat delicate."

"I can't hold her? Just for a second?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"Are you the father?" she asks.



"James," I say. He is talking to a nurse and holding a clip board.

"Oh hey," he smiles, "Thanks Dora. Give him some pain killers and he will be fine." He gives the clip board to the nurse and walks towards me.

"you gave her your name?" I ask.


"Itzamari Lock?" I ask.

"Jackson, I can explain," he says. "we can change the name, don't worry."

"That's my baby girl," I say. "that's my baby."

I can feel it in my heart. She has my eyes. I know it sounds crazy, but she is my baby.

"Jackson, the baby is Paul's."

I shake my head and wipe my tears. "That's my baby. I know it James."

"No it's not," Joe says. I turn and he is confused. "She is not your baby."

"I also had sex with Widow a bit before Paul did," I say, "That could be my baby and James gave her his name."

"Whoa, what?" Brianna asks. "James you did what?"

"We can change it! I just thought about her well being and well Paul is not capable of taking care of her, so I will."

"But she has Widow," I say. "she is still alive."

"I know, but what if she doesn't make it?" he asks.

"She has me," Joe says, "and Paul's parents."

"Let me go talk to the nurses," Brianna says.

"why do you say she is your baby anyways? Yeah, you could have sex with Widow, but that doesn't prove anything," Joe says.

"Get a DNA sample," I say, "I will order a DNA test."

"No," James says.

"Yes," I say.

"You need a court's warrant," Joe says.

"I will get it."

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