Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"But why wouldn't they keep us together?" Whines Sally. "Mr James is a great teacher, he was funny, you should totally be in his class not Mrs Killjoy." We met up at Sally's locker after first block and so we can try to find our English classroom together. The push of the hallways are getting to me a bit as I brace to head back into the throng. Poor Sally, this is the first time since Grade 5 we haven't been together for class, that ends now. I am not that hurt but Sally thinks it is the end of our friendship or something. I try to reassure her. We are still together for over half the day including lunch. I am used to standing on my own. Sally just has a protective streak sometimes that confuses me, I am the one protecting her I thought.

"Mrs Kettle is a good teacher, she seems strict about being late and all but I am never late to class." We walk into English and sit, how to tell her I will be ok. "And you know we got the exact same course outline and all the units are the same, so we can still study together all the time."

With a sigh, Sally finally looks sad, but I give her a look that tried to convey that I would be fine. So maybe we can just change the subject. "Who were those guys your brother was talking to this morning?" The one looked a bit shocked at me, the other I never even saw his face. Yet they both intrigued me, their long hair, dark skin. The guy in glasses was quite intelligent looking, scanning around and listening to Josh and Sally, like he was taking everything in. A calm steady look on his face, not harsh, just open. The other I only really saw his back and backpack. He looked about the same height and build as Josh, and his hair trailed down his back at least five inches, dark and so very straight.

Neither carried themselves the way the boys in class do, all gangly arms akimbo, and walking like they don't know what a straight line is. Both these boys stood up straight like their parents put books on their heads on something, I remember trying that with Sally a few years ago, not as easy as it sounds. I think the biggest thing is that unlike Josh they stood with their shoulders back, not hunched in the way I am used to seeing on guys. Its usually girls that throw their shoulders back to push out their chests. Guys, especially tall ones always seem to try to shrink, but not those two.

"No clue, I haven't seen either of them around before. I don't think they are good friends." I keep looking down at my desk and start pulling open my binder and finding a pen, my mind thinking of the taller one in the blue long sleeve shirt. His shoulders so wide I bet his arms could hold on to anything. Slowly imagining his muscles as he pulls a tree out of the ground like a cartoon character. I muffle a giggle. "But I can ask Josh about them tonight" Sally says quietly. "Names, how well he knows them, The glasses guy in the grey sweater seemed sweet." I turn my head to see her eyes. I blush, I just cant stop it. Man what did I say to make Sally think I was interested in them, in any guys. Why am I blushing at all, I was just curious as to two people I hadn't met before. "But the guy in the tight jeans was pretty quiet." The blush just gets so much worse. Sally usually can never get things out of me. She just keeps talking and watching my face. I can block almost anything, fake flirting with any customer, and lie to get what I needed to survive. But I have never had such a reaction to someone before, anyone before, especially a guy. Why do I feel this way to anyone, I haven't even seen his face. I just felt pulled, feeling this need to know more about him.

Thank goodness class starts. After English is lunch though. Oh how I hope Sally lets this go.


"Jaz, you packed a lunch on the first day? Come on, lets hit the line and see what the prices are first and scout out what this is going to be." Sally was excited to see a full cafeteria, our middle school we ate in our classrooms and this is very different. I understand, but do not have the funds to pay for food in a retail setting. The cafeteria looks kind of intimidating, but I try to equate it with the food court at the mall. Line up by the doors to enter into a long line kitchen to my right, actually it feels more like the soup kitchen. In front of us is two different sections of tables, some long ones with built in benches on the far side, and ones on this side are round with plastic chairs that only hold six kids. The place looks packed as me and Sally did a quick washroom break before coming that ended up in us getting turned around and walking around to find the right turn to get here. Its actually surprising there is still a long line for food, it would of been insane if we came straight here and had to find the back of the line. I guess everyone buys their lunches.

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