Chapter 11

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The day of the wedding* December 21st 2017'
Erin~" I'm so excited I get to Marry my best friend!"
Kim~" I know I'm so excited for you two!"
Jay~"I can't wait to get to spend the rest of my life with the most beautiful girl in the world!"
Adam~" well you better believe it man!"
Adam ran into Erin who had her hair up in a messy bun as she was heading to get her hair done
Adam~" damn Erin your hair is about as messy as you"
Erin~"kiss my ass" she said walking away
Adam~" Jay I just saw Erin."
Jay~"what did she say"
Adam~"oh she didn't say anything I was just telling you I saw her"
Jay~" you are an ass ruzek"
Adam~" I know!"
At the ceremony*
Jay was watching Erin walk down the isle and started crying because she looked so beautiful when Erin reached jay she wiped his tears and they preacher began speaking
Preacher~" do you have your vows ready?"
Jay~" yes"
Erin~"yeah I do"
Preacher~" okay jay will start"
Jay~" okay, Erin Lindsay the very first time I saw you I knew I needed you in my life. I felt as if I couldn't go on if you weren't a part of my life, as if life without was impossible! Hell for me life without you was impossible. When I first learned that you were hanks daughter I thought to my self ' how the hell am I ever going to be able to date hank voight's daughter' but I figured out a way to be with you. I couldn't image my life with out you in it! Erin Lindsay you are and will always be the only girl I will ever live this much !"
Erin~" Jay the day I was introduced to you I thought to my self ' damn what  a good looking cop' but I what I never thought was that I would be able to say that to you, you know my past and you don't care, I think that's what made me fall even harder for you, I'm so lucky to be able to wake up every morning and  have you be the first thing I see! I can't imagine like with out you, you make my day 10 times better with even trying! There will never be another man that I will love more than you jay Halstead!"
Preacher~ Jay take this ring and repeat after me Erin Lindsay I promise the love and Cherish you as long as we both live" jay repeated
Preacher~" Erin take this ring and repeat after me ' jay Halstead I promise to love you in sickness and in health and to always be there for you through our ups and downs" Erin repeated and the preachers said~" I now pronounce you husband an wife you may now kiss the bride!"
Jay and Erin kissed and while they walked down the isle the DJ said "now  introducing Mr & Mrs Halstead!" Everyone started clapping and cheering for them. Finally it was time for jay and Erin to have there first dance as a married couple! Erin and Jay has picked the song From The Ground Up by Dan & Shay Erin had always loved that song so jay picked it for Erin and Erin loved it! Jay started singing in Erin's with the song
Jay~ " and I will be all you need beside you I'll stand though the good and bad we'll give all that we have, this life with go by in the blink of an eye but I wouldn't wanna spend it with out you by my side"
Hank was talking to bunny who had shown up uninvited
Hank~ " bunny what the hell are you doing here!"
Bunny~ " my daughter is getting married and I had to find out about it from Facebook!"
Hank~ " Erin made it very clear she doesn't want you here!"
The song had ended and Erin saw bunny and ran off of course Jay ran after her but not before talking to bunny
Jay~ " bunny you need to leave now!"
Bunny~ " Erin is my daughter I'm not leaving!"
Jay~ " Antonio, Adam please take Miss bunny off the property!"
A+A ~ " got it"
Jay ran after Erin and found her in her room where she was crying
Jay~ " baby what's wrong?"
Erin~ " bunny she.. she ruins everything Jay why can't she just leave me alone?"
Erin was crying on jay's shoulder now.
Jay~ " baby bunny left after I had Antonio and Adam take her off the property."
Erin~ " really"
Jay~ " yeah why don't we go and have some fun?"
Erin~ " I look like a mess."
Jay~ " no you don't babe, you look amazing!"
Erin~ " really?"
Jay~ " yes, you look beautiful!"
Erin~ " it must be these damn hormones" jay and Erin sat there and laughed for a couple of minuets and then went to join there friends for more fun!
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I might be updating again today I'm not sure

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