Chapter 31

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Erin's POV
It's been a month after I was kidnapped and I'm now 4 months pregnant. Today is my first day back since the kidnapping, and hank was having a seminar with the cadets fresh out of the academy and me and jay and to give a speech for them which I'm kinda nervous about I mean I've given speeches before but not like this.
Jay~ " hey babe"
Erin~ " hey!"
Hank~ " you two ready?"
Erin~ " as ready as I can be"
Hank~ " okay let's get started" hank walked us to the stage where we are giving our speeches
Hank~ " okay cadets I have two detective's from my unit, Erin Lindsay and Jay Halstead"
Jay~ " hi I'm jay and this is my partner Erin, me and Erin have known each other for about 8 years now and have been partners since we met"
Erin~ " hi I'm Erin, I've worked at the 21st for about 9 years and as you all will be working here you will learn what Sargent platt is a pain in the ass" everyone including platt laughed
Erin~ "anyways your buttons will be pushed by platt no doubt about that, but you will also learn to take criticism from her, which in the long term will make you a better cop"
Jay~ " yes my first day at the 21st platt pushed every button I had but I learned to joke around with her, and once you move up to intelligence hank will teach you a completely different way" me and jay finished our speeches and went on to answering questions and a young man raised his hand to ask a question
Erin~ " yes um"
Reagan~ " Reagan, josh Reagan, what's the best part about being partnered with jay?"
Erin~ " the best part is knowing that he has my back 24/7 and he knows I have his"
Reagan~ " I'm sorry I have to ask this, but are you two married" me and jay just look at each other and I look at hank and he mouth for me to tell the truth
Erin~ " yes we are"
Reagan~ " I thought so by you two's body language"
Erin~ " really?"
Reagan~ " yeah with any other partners you wouldn't be as relaxed at you were"
Jay~ " it seems you belong with the FBI instead of the CPD kid" me and jay finished the seminar for the day and grabbed something to eat when we saw Natalie with Spencer and platt went to take him
Erin~ " platt give me my son"
Platt~ " oh come on Erin let me see him for a bit"
Jay~ " hey buddy!" Spencer lit up when he saw jay and almost jumped out of my arms to get to him
Erin~ " well then somebody sure missed daddy"
Jay~ " I guess so" he kinda laughed at Spence
Reagan~ " detective Lindsay?"
Erin~ " yeah Reagan"
Reagan~ " um I was wandering if you and detective Halstead could tell me where the best place to get coffee is? I moved to Chicago when I joined the academy and I have no clue where the best coffee is"
Erin~ " me and Jay basically live on Starbucks right around the corner"
Reagan~ " okay thank you! Is this your son?"
Erin~ " yeah"
Reagan~ " he's adorable what's his name?"
Erin~ "Spencer Henry Halstead"
Reagan~ " that's awesome!"
Jay's POV
Me and Erin were on our way home when Natalie called Erin
Erin~ " hey Nat what's up, whoa whoa calm down, what! We'll be right there! Jay head to med something happened to Will!"
Jay~ " what do you mean something happened to Will!?"
Erin~ " Natalie said he was stabbed"
I hurry to the hospital and when we arrive I grab Spencer and hurry inside. When I get in side I get to the desk
Jay~ " I'm looking for Will Halstead"
Nurse~ " relation?"
Jay~ " brother and sister in law"
Nurse~ " he's in room 609"
Jay~ " thanks" me and Erin walk around looking for will's room and finally find it after what felt like hours of looking
Jay~ " damn will you look like hell" Erin covers Spencer ears
Erin~ " Jay there's a little one in the room"
Will~ " geez Jay you know if I wasn't in so much pain I'd punch the crap outta you" me, Erin and Natalie laughed
Erin~ " will what happened?"
Will~ " I don't know some kid in a cop uniform jumped me"
Jay~ " what to you mean in a cop uniform?"
Will~ " you know he had on a cop uniform do I need to break it down for you"
Erin~ " could you see the name tag on it?"
Will~ " no it was to dark" me and Erin spent at least a hour at the hospital before Spencer started to get cranky so we went home and laid him down
Erin's POV
Jay~ " who would do that to Will he's never done anything bad in his life hell I had to beat a kids ass because he wouldn't"
Erin~ " I don't know baby" I say as he's stroking my hair
Jay~ " I just don't understand it"
Erin~ " I know, but even as a cop we don't understand why people do the things they do"
Jay~ " I just, I just wish Will could have seen the name plate"
Erin~ " the kid might not have been wearing one"
Jay~ " yeah, do you know how much I love you"
Erin~ " yeah I do" jay places his hand on my 4 month belly and is running his hand up and down it
Jay~ " I can't wait to meet our little girl or boy"
Erin~ " neither can I, before I forget I have an appointment tomorrow to find out the gender"
Jay~ " really!" His eyes light up with excitement
Erin~ " yeah! You know we should do something different than what we did for Spence"
Jay~ " yeah you know how they fill up the ball with the blue or pink stuff and hit it with a baseball bat, why don't we do that?"
Erin~ " that's perfect I know how much you love baseball so why not!"
Jay~ " we have to find out if it's a boy or girl first" he said chuckling
Erin~ " yeah I know, I'm just so excited to have another baby with the man I love most in the world!"
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter!

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