Chapter 24

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                                      Jay's POV
I can't believe me and Erin are really going to look at a house to buy for the 3 of us. Luckily Nat agreed go watch Spence.Me and Erin reached the house and met the realtor at the house.
Justin~ " Mr Halstead?"
Jay~ " yes sir, this is my wife Erin"
Justin~ " it's nice to meet you" he said reaching his hand out to shake Erin's hand
Erin~ " hi Mr Howell"
Justin~ " so this is the house I assume you two want to see the inside? Of have you already?"
Jay~ " we saw the inside yesterday while we were driving by to my brothers"
Justin~ " okay that's what the inside looks like" he said chuckling
Jay~ " so how would we pay for the house?"
Justin~ " well you can do payments of 100,000 every year or you can pay in full"
Jay~ " I think we'll pay in full do you take checks?"
Justin~ " yes I do!"
I walked to the car and wrote a check for $200,000 and the house was officially ours
Justin~ " congrats the house is yours"
Erin~ " thank you so much!"
Justin~ " anything for a pretty lady!"
Jay~ " hey Er lets go get Spencer" I made of sure Erin was mine
Justin~ " you two have a son?"
Erin~ "yeah he's 7 months old!"
Justin~ " you do not look like you had a baby 7 months ago Mrs Halstead"
Erin~ " thank you! Come on jay we've got to go" Erin looked at me
Erin~ " here baby!" Erin handed me the keys and kissed me
Jay~ " for real I get to drive?"
Erin~ " yup because your going to get me some Wendy's"
Jay~ " damn I knew there was a catch to it" Erin laughed kissing me once again, god I love her more and more each day I'm with her!
Me and Erin got some Wendy's and headed back to will's place
Nat~ " hey Spence mommy and daddy are home" Nat said pointing to us causing Spencer to scream of excitement
Erin~ " hey baby boy! Were you a good boy for aunt Natalie?"
Nat~ " He was an angle as per usual!"
Jay~ " hey buddy!" I say picking up Spencer
Nat~ " did you guy get the house?"
Erin~ " yes we did!" She said jangling the keys
Nat~ " that's amazing!"
Jay~ " we start moving tomorrow!"
Nat~ " I can watch Spence if you want"
Erin~ " that would be great!"
                                        Erin POV
Me and jay are finally getting a house and not an apartment and today is the day we finally move into the new apartment
Erin~ " hey baby do you know what next week is?"
Jay~ " our 1 year anniversary"
Erin~ " yeah you remembered"
Jay~ " how could I forget I married the girl of my dreams almost a year ago"
Erin~ " what do you want to do?"
Jay~ " well there's this thing I kinda wanted to do but I don't think we could afford it"
Erin~ "what is it?"
Jay~ " we could rent Molly's for the night and have our friends there, but I don't know yet may-" I interrupted him
Erin~ " babe that's perfect!"
Jay~ " really?"
Erin~ " yes really! Now let's get these last few boxes in the new house"
Jay~ " okay"
                                    Jay's POV
I was thinking about what to do for me and Erin's one year anniversary and I thought of the best thing for us to do.
Erin~ " hey jay"
Jay~ " yeah Er?"
Erin~ " so um I was thinking maybe since Nat has Spence for the night maybe we could finish what we started the other day?" She said rubbing her hand up and down my chest which she knows drives me crazy
Jay~ " I like the was you think Mrs Halstead!" I picked her up and set her on the counter in our new apartment and kissed her. After a few minuets my shirt and her shirt was off. I picked her up and carried her to our room watching out for the boxes and door frames and make my way to our bed with out hitting Erin back on any door frames like I did last time. I set her on our bed when my phone rang
Jay~ " what the hell it's 10 at night!"I picked up up my phone and hank was calling
Hank~ " Halstead I need you and Lindsay to meet me out side now!"
Jay~ "okay we'll be out"
Erin~ "who was that babe?"
Jay~ " hank. He wants us to meet him outside"
Erin~ " damnit!"
Jay~ " we will finish this later"
Erin~ " yes sir we will"
Erin~ " hank what the hell its 10 at night"
Hank~ " sorry Erin we caught a case and need you and Halstead"
Jay~ " where is it?"
Hank~ "just follow me"
I handed Erin the keys knowing she always drives and she handed them back
Jay~ " whattt?"
Erin~ " I don't want to drive right now"
Jay~ " you feeling okay?"
Erin~ "yeah I feel fine, just I wanted to have some fun" she whispered in my ear causing a smile to form on my lips
We arrive at the crime scene and this cop starts hitting on Erin
Rossmen~ " hey cute thang"
Erin~ " excuse me?"
Rossmen~ " I said hey cute thang"
I saw Erin walk close to him and get in his face
Erin~ " you ever call me that again and I will drop your ass on the ground. Understand me?"
Rossmen~ " yes ma'am miss?"
Erin~ " Halstead"
Rossmen~ " wait your married to jay Halstead?"
Erin~ " how'd you known I was married?"
Rossmen~ " because last time I saw you your vest said Lindsay and you said your last name is Halstead so I figured you were married"
Erin~ " yup I'm married to him"
Rossmen~ " perks of being your partner I guess"
Erin gives him this death stare causing rossmen to walk away
Erin~ " what do we have?"
Hank~ "Emily Copeland 34 looks like she was stabbed and then shot 4 times"
Erin~ " talk about over kill"
Jay~ "yeah no kidding"
Hank~ " okay I wand Lindsay and Halstead to go talk to Emily's parents, and I want upton and Atwater to stay here and look for shell casings"
Me and Erin walked to the car and I handed her keys again and she took them which I was worried because Erin drives like she's running from the cops even though she is a cop
Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update I've been super busy! I will have another update soon the next chapter will be Erin and jay's one year anniversary!

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