Chapter 20

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                                    Jay's POV
me and Erin reach the hospital and she is looking for hank
Erin~ " I'm looking for hank voight v o i g h t"
Desk lady~ " are you family?"
Erin~ " I'm his daughter and this is my husband and son"
Desk lady~ " he's in room 250"
Erin~ " thank you!" Erin is running around the hospital looking for hanks room and almost falls when she pasts it trying to stop. When Erin sees hank in the hospital bed she buries her head in my chest trying not to hurt Spence.
Jay~ " hey baby I promise he will be okay this is hank voight we're talking about"
Erin~ " I know it's just so so hard seeing him like this"
Hank~ " I'm not dead yet kiddo" hank mumbles
Erin gasped
Erin~ " hank. I.. I thou.. never mind what I thought I'm glad your okay!" I watched as she hugged hank
Hank~ " hey Halstead. I was going to wait to tell you but your reinstated full duty starting tomorrow Erin you to."
Erin~ " you got it sarge!"
We were at the hospital for I want to say 3 hours until hank told us to go home
And rest. When we got home Erin called Brett who had offered to watch Spencer as she was fired from 51
Erin~ " so I just got off the phone with Brett and she said she would gladly watch Spencer!"
Jay~ " that's great! You excited to go back to work?"
Erin~ " yeah kinda excited kinda sad"
Jay~ " yeah me to but Spence will be with Brett who was a EMT for 4 years so we really have nothing to worry about"
Erin~ " yeah I know I'm just gonna miss this little guy"
The next day At the district
                                     Erin's POV 
It's me and jay's first day back since before I had Spence and I've missed the place
Platt~ "Lindsay, chuckles good to have ya back!"
Jay~ " that's detective chuckles" I had to laugh at that
Platt~ " anyways everyone is waiting up stairs on and FYI the Sargent is an ass"
Erin~ " thanks for the heads up"
Sargent Carlos~ " Halstead Lindsay your late!"
Jay~ " sorry Sargent traffic was pretty bad"
Sargent Carlos~ " yeah whatever" me and jay exchange looks and mouth ' what the hell'
Sargent Carlos~ " so this is Mindy Walker 16 years old, she was walking home from her band practice when she was kidnapped I want upton and Ruzek to go check then abduction scene and Halstead and burgess to talk to the parents"
Jay~ " Um Sargent?"
Sargent Carlos~ " yeah Halstead?"
Jay~ " me and Lindsay usually talk to the parents"
Sargent Carlos~ " and so what I told you to take burgess do I need to put you on desk duty?"
Jay~ " no sir Me and burgess and heading out right now" jay mouths ' love you' and I do the same
Sargent Carlos~ " Lindsay a moment" I get up from my desk and walk into what was hanks office
Erin~ " yes Sargent?"
Sargent Carlos~ " is there something between you and Halstead?!"
Erin~ " um no sir nothing at all"I lied
Sargent Carlos~ " am I right when I say  you had a son 3 months ago?"
Erin~ " yes sir."
Sargent Carlos~ " congrats. I'm partnering you with Dawson until further notice"
Erin~ " yes sir is there anything more?"
Sargent Carlos~ " um yes I want you and Dawson to go talk to the school"
Erin~ " yes sir!"
I walked out
Erin~ " Antonio lets go"
Antonio~ " where are we going?"
Erin~ " Sargent carlos wants us to go talk to the school Mandy goes to, now move your ass"
Antonio~ " got it"
In the car*
Antonio~ " so hows Spencer doing?"
Erin~ " he's getting to big to fast" I laughed
My phone goes off and it's a text from jay
' hey baby, I finished talking to the parents and heading back to the 21st I'll see you there, love you❤️'
Antonio~ " we're here" we get out of the car and go talk to Eric hemintom who is the head of the school.
                                    Jay's POV
I get a next from Erin saying Antonio and her are heading back from the school and I can't help but smile
Jay~ " hey sergeant I just got a text from Lindsay saying her and Dawson are heading back"
Sargent Carlos~ " okay close the door I got a couple of question for you"
Jay~ " yes Sargent?"
Sargent Carlos~ " is there a thing between you and Lindsay?"
Jay~ " other than friends?"
Sargent Carlos~ " yes other than friends you twos address is the same"
Jay~ " me and Lindsay live in the same apartment building"
Sargent Carlos~ " okay. Do you have any kids?"
Jay~ " no sir" it killed me to lie about Spencer
Sargent Carlos~ " okay nothing else"
I walked out when Erin was walking in so I texted her 'meet me in the locker room in 5'
Sargent Carlos~ " Lindsay, Dawson what did you get?"
Erin~ " the head of the school said Mandy was your normal girl straight A student, did band, and was your basic good girl"
Sargent Carlos~ " that doesn't give me anything!"
Jay~ " the parents said the same thing"
I walked to the locker room and waited for Erin she waited about 5 minuets after I went in. When she came in I pushed her up against the lockers and kissed her 
Erin~ " god I love you"
Jay~ " I love you more!"
I walked out before Erin but I was wearing a different shirt so it would look like I was changing but I really wasn't
Sargent Carlos~ " we have Mandy location everyone suit up!"
Me and Erin went to suit up and as per usual I help her with her vest and she helped me with mine.
We arrive at the location
Sargent Carlos~ " okay I want Lindsay and Halstead on the first floor, upton and Dawson on the second, and Atwater and me will take the back!"
Me and Erin went inside and we heard 3 shots and I look over at Erin and she's on the ground
Jay~ " ERIN!"
Erin~ " it hit my vest jay I'm okay!"
I helped her up and I heard a gun clock at the back of my head and a gun shot and I turn around and Antonio was standing there I looked at him with relief and hugged Erin
Sargent Carlos~ " Lindsay you okay!"
Erin~ " the bullet hit my vest I'm going to sore but I'm fine" after Erin was done talking she hugged me again. I was secretly praying and thanking god she was okay! After we finished we went to look for Mandy and found her in a closet in the second floor
Mandy~ " please don't hurt me!"
Erin~ " hey hey were cops your safe now sweetie"
Mandy latched on to Erin hugging her
Mandy~ " thank you for finding me!" She said in between sobs
At the district
                                   Erin's POV 
Jay helped me out of the truck because my ribs hurt and I was already getting bruise from the bullet hitting my vest. I walk up the stairs and see Brett with Spencer sitting at my desk
Erin~ " hey baby!" I say picking up Spencer
Jay~ " screw it! Hey buddy!" He said kissing Spence's head
Sargent Carlos~ " I knew something was going on between you two!"
Erin~ " Sargent listen me and jay are married and this is our son Spencer now if you want to fire me go ahead but do not fire jay!"
Sargent Carlos~ " I'm not going to fire anybody!"
J+E~ " what?"
Sargent Carlos~ " the way you two act you would never know you two were married if you keep it that way neither of you will lose your job!"
Jay~ " thank you sir!" Jay said taking Spencer out of my hands and holding him.
Brett~ " I thought you two would like to see him"
Antonio~ " so this is the famous Spencer Henry Halstead! Can I hold him?"
Jay~ " of course!" Antonio took Spencer from jay and Spencer loved Antonio.
Erin~ " he loves you Antonio!"
Sargent Carlos~ " what's his name?"
Jay~ "Spencer Henry Halstead"
Sargent Carlos~ " good name Halstead"
Everyone spent at least 30 minuets holding Spence and about an hour later Brett took Spencer home and we finished our work day luckily it wasn't a crazy rest of the day!
Hey guys I hope you have enjoyed this story so far I will be updating tomorrow!

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