Chapter 34

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Erin's POV
I woke up and looked over at jay and his face was bruised up and I remember last night and him and that asshat guy Luke Rodgers punched him last night. Jay's phone went off and it was Trevor so I answered his phone
Erin~ " hello"
Trevor~ " hey Erin where's jay?"
Erin~ " he's still sleeping, if you want I can have him call you when he gets up" I look over and see jay sitting up next to me in the bed
Jay~ " who's that baby" he says in his extremely sexy still half asleep voice
Erin~ " it's Trevor, here he wants to talk to you" I hand jay the phone and go check on Spence.
Jay's POV
I get off the phone with Trevor and I see Erin standing in the door way with Spencer who is excited to see me
Jay~ " hey there buddy!!"
Spencer~ " dada dada dada"
Erin~ " well I see somebody missed daddy last night!"
Jay~ " no kidding he's always saying mama"
Spence~ " mama mama MAMA"
Jay~ " hey I thought you wanted me"
Spence shook his head no which he's learned to do thanks to Erin
Erin~ " so I was thinking since you have to work today maybe me and Spence could spend the day at the district"
Jay~ " really!"
Erin~ " yeah sitting at home all day has been driving me Fricken crazy"
Jay~ " okay well then we need to get dressed"
Erin puts Spencer in his playpen in our room while we get dressed and gives him some toys including my phone
Jay~ " hey baby have you seen my phone?"
Erin~ " yeah Spencer has it"
Jay~ " why would Spencer have it" I say laughing
Erin~ " it keeps him entertained, he likes looking at your lock screen"
Jay~ " okay, are you ready?"
Erin~ " yup let me pack Spencer's sippy cup and his snacks and we can go" luckily Spencer has begun to dislike the bottles now and love his sippy cup with his milk in it, it's legit the only thing he will drink out of anymore!
Erin's POV
Me , Jay, and Spencer leave the house and head to the district for they day since Jay has to work. On our way we stop at Starbucks and grab our coffee and Spence his juice from there
Starbucks lady~ " hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you!"
Jay~ " hey Camron it's Jay"
Camron~ " hey Mr Halstead you'll be having your usual, Mrs Halstead's coffee extra cream, your coffee extra sugar, and Spencer's apple juice correct"
Jay~ " yes ma'am!"
Camron~ " alrighty that will be $5.99"
Jay~ " alright"
Erin~ " it bugs me how she knows your name"
Jay~ " don't be jealous, your the only girl I love the most besides our daughter!"
Erin~ " alright she's the ONLY one you can love more the me"
Jay~ " don't worry baby!" He leaned over the console to give me a kiss, ever since I found out I was pregnant I've been letting jay drive because when I was pregnant with Spencer I was always tired and I'm the same way with this little girl and I don't want to fall asleep at the wheel and crash so I let jay drive. Me and jay pick up our coffee and as usual he gives Camron $10.00 and tells her to keep the change since she is super nice and deserves it! After we get our coffee we head to the 21st and I'm greeted by platt who instantly grabbed Spencer from me and takes him behind the desk and gives him her badge and lets him ' help' her with her work
Erin~ " platt we need to get upstairs"
Platt~ " go then"
Erin~ " Trudy I need my kid"
Platt~ " he's fine"
Jay~ " platt I'm sure everyone else wants to see him I'll bring him back down after everyone sees him"
Platt~ " oh fine, her spence go to your pain in the ass daddy" I start laughing because Trudy always finds away to pick on Jay like it's nobody's business
Erin~ " her Every one look who it is!" I let Spencer down and he walks over to Antonio and gives him a high five and then walks past everyone else and starts banging on hanks door to let him in
Hank~ " who is banging on my door! Oh hey buddy!!"
Kevin~ " mini Lindsay where's my high five?" Spence high fives Kev
Kevin~ " there it is!"
Erin~ " did you just call Spence ' mini Lindsay'?"
Kevin~ " yeah I mean he has your attitude"
Erin~ " jeez thank kev!"
Kevin~ " no problem!" Everyone just laughs
Erin~ " where's upton?"
Hank~ " is she late again! Me and her are going to have a da-"
Erin~ " hank! Little ears around!"
Hank~ " oh shut up it's nothin he probably hasn't heard from you two before"
Jay~ " he's right Er"  I slap jay on the back of the head as a ' shut up' thing and he knows what it means
Erin~ " alrighty well platt wants him to ' help' her with her paper work, so I'm going to take him back down"
I get half way down the stair when I hear it's  completely silent so I pop my head around and see a masked man with a gun so I run back in the stairs and hand Spencer to Antonio
Antonio~ " Erin what's going on!"
Erin~ " there's a masked man with a gun Antonio please take Spencer to the bathroom and lock the door!"
Antonio~ " Erin your pregnant you need to stay up here with him"
Erin~ " Antonio please! I need to help!"
Jay~ " Erin you stay up here I don't you to get hurt!"
Erin~ " fine!" I grab Spencer and run to the bathroom and lock the door and give Spencer his snacks and sippy to keep him quite when I hear multiple gun shots and somebody coming up stairs so I grab the gun that I've always kept hidden under the sink and slowly walk outside closing the door behind me
Jay's POV
Me, Antonio, Al, Kevin, Adam, and hank head down stair with our guns and I poke my head around the corner of the stairs and see the guy with his gun pointed at platt and he shoots one shot at me and Antonio shoots the guy and so does everyone else, I run back upstairs when I run into Erin with a gun
Erin~ " Jay oh my god thank god your okay!"
Jay~ " where the hell did you get a gun!"
Erin~ " oh I always keep one hidden under the sink"
Erin goes and gets Spence and hands him to me
Jay~ " oh buddy did the loud noises scare you?"
Erin~ " not really he jumped at the first one and then went back to eating his snacks"
Jay~ " really!"
Adam~ " that kid is exactly like Erin always worried about food!"
Erin~ " Adam I will punch you!"
Me, Erin, and Spence finished our day at the district and then went home for the night, luckily the rest of the day was very quite which is extremely rare!
Erin's POV
Me and jay get home and lay Spencer down for the night then we curl up on the couch and watch ' safe haven' for the hundredth time!
Jay~ " so have you though of names for the baby yet?"
Erin~ " yeah I was thinking Nadia Camille Halstead?"
Jay~ " that sounds perfect!"
Erin~ " you like it?"
Jay~ " baby I love it! It's two peoples names that you loved and helped you!" 
Hey Guys!! I hope you liked this chapter I will be updating sometime tomorrow hopefully!!

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