Chapter 30

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Jay's POV
It's been 3 days since Erin was kidnapped and she still has the nightmares. I heard Erin screaming around 3:00 this morning
Erin~ " no!!"
Jay~ "hey baby I'm right here"
Erin~ "no!! Stop!"
Jay~ " hey hey hey it's me Jay"
Erin~ " I'm so sorry" she said crying into my chest
Jay~ "it's okay babe"
Erin~ "god Jay when are these nightmares going to stop!"
Jay~ " I don't know, but when they happen I'm right here beside you"
Erin~ " I know" I pull Erin close to my chest and we lay down with me holding her
Erin's POV
I woke back up at 9:00AM and jay was gone so I start panicking thinking he left me
Erin~ "Jay?"
Jay~ "I'm in the kitchen baby" I let out a sigh of relief
Erin~ " what time did you get up?"
Jay~ "I woke back up at 7:30 cause Spence got up wanting a bottle and I decided to cook you breakfast"
Erin~ " I have the best husband!"
Jay~ " and I have the best wife"
Erin~ " really?"
Jay~ " yeah, really"
Erin~ " jay I know I'm a pain in the ass"
Jay~ " you can be, but your my wife and I love you more than you'll ever know"
Erin~ " I love you"
Jay~ " I love you too, are you ready to eat?"
Erin~ " yeah I'm starving"
Jay's POV
Erin has me kinda worried she would never admit she's a pain in the ass, I starting to wander what happened when she was kidnapped
Jay~ " Erin, baby what's wrong? I know you were kidnapped but what all happened?"
Erin~ " Jay is really rather not talk about it"
Jay~ " Erin you are worrying me, please talk to me"
Erin~ "jay I said I don't want to talk about it!" Erin got up and ran to our bedroom and closed the door, I walk to our room and knock on the door
Jay~ "baby please open the door"
Erin~ " please go away"
Jay~ "Erin I'm not going anywhere remember our vows 'for better or worst' and I'm going to stick to them"
Erin~ " Jay please just stop" I could the hurt in her voice
Jay~ " Erin, baby please open the door." I wait a few minuets and I try to open the door but she locked it
Jay~ "Er I want to be here for you but I don't know how I can help"
Erin~ " just go away Jay"
Jay~ "Erin I'm not going anywhere, please open the door or I'm kicking it in" I went to kick in the door when she opened it
Jay~ "baby I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you!" I say pulling her into a hug
Erin~ "please don't blame yourself"
Jay~ " I can't help but blame myself I should have been there!"
Erin~ "jay if you would have been there they probably would have grabbed you to and Spence would be alone or worst with those guys"
Jay~ " Erin please let me in, I can help you just talk to me please"
Erin~ " jay I don't think I'M ready to talk to you, it's just.. I. Jay they did more than tase me the beat me and if you would have shown up 15 minuets later they would have raped me"
Jay~ " Er I'm so sorry"
Erin~ " I was so scared I would never see you or Spence ever again, when you kicked the door open I thought you were the other guy"
Jay~ " baby you keep saying them and the other guy, who was the other guy?"
Erin~ "I don't know he had a mask on and never took it off"
Jay~ "did he talk at all?"
Erin~ "yeah, yeah he said ' call me when your finished with this bitch' and that all he said" crying
Jay~ " Erin you are so strong!" I say kissing her head pulling her into a hug
Erin~ " if I'm so strong then why do I feel like the weakest person in the world"
Jay~ " I don't know. But I promise you, your not"
Erin~ " thanks baby. I actually feel a tiny bit better now that I've talked to you"
Jay~ " that good! I can't stand seeing you in pain like that" Erin's phone went off and it was a unknown number so she ignored it and then they called again so I answered it
Jay~ " hello?"
Caller~ " ahh Jay Halstead it's nice to finally talk to you"
Jay~ "who is this?"
Caller~ " oh I'm your worst nightmare" I had the guy on speaker and Erin was tearing up. I hung up the phone
Jay~ "babe what's wrong"
Erin~ "that was the other guy who was there"
Jay~ "what. Erin pack your bag me and you are going back to Wisconsin, it's safer there"
Erin~ "okay"
I call hank
Jay~ "hey hank it's jay"
Hank~ "hey what's up"
Jay~ " I just got a call from the other guy who kidnapped Erin"
Hank~ "what!"
Jay~ "yeah, I'm taking Erin and Spencer to my cabin in Wisconsin it's a lot safer up there nobody knows where it it but me, will, Erin, and will's girlfriend Natalie"
Hank~ " Okay, and jay make sure Erin and my grandson and other grandchild stay safe, if they don't" I'm cut him off
Jay~ " I'll be in the bottom of the river I know"
Hank~ " alright, tell Erin I said I love her"
Jay~ " I will"
I hang up the phone
Jay~ "hey baby you all packed?" I said that as I heard the door kick in so I run to the room Erin and Spencer are in and grab my gun and tell Erin to hide with Spence. I walk out to the living room and they guy turns to me with his gun pointed to me and I shoot him not killing him but knocking the gun out of his hands, he starts to reach for his guy but I kick it gun out of his reach
Jay~ " who the hell are you!"
Intruder~ " ahh Mr Halstead, it's nice to finally see you!!" I kick the crap out of they guy causing him to groan in pain. Erin walks out with Spencer
Erin~ " jay I called hank and he will be here in 2 minuets he said"
Intruder~ " that's a handsome son you have there"
Jay~ " shut up!"
Erin~ " Jay who is this guy?"
Jay~ " I don't now let's see"I say taking off his mask
Erin~ " oh my god Charlie! What the hell!"
Charlie~ " ahhh it's nice to see you again"
Jay~ " you need to shut your damn mouth right now before I shut it for you!"
Charlie~ " ohh I'm so scared" I punch him
Hank~ " I'm here. Charlie!"
Charlie~ " oh the hole family is here!"
Hank grabbed Charlie by his shirt and picked him up
Hank~ " you are lucky my grandson is in the room or your ass would be shot right now!"
Hank walked Charlie out in handcuffs and takes him to his car and me and Erin follow him to the precinct
Platt~ " if it isn't my favorite Halstead!" She says grabbing Spencer from Erin
Jay~ " hey I thought I was your favorite Halstead" I act Hurt
Platt~ " shut it chuckles"
Jay~ " hey baby I'm going upstairs you okay down here?"
Erin~ " I'll be fine" I give her a kiss and walk upstairs
Erin's POV
I'm sitting behind the desk watching platt play with Spencer
Erin~ " he really loves you"
Platt~ " of course he does what's not to love"
I laugh at that
Platt~ " how have you been?"
Erin~ " I'm okay I'm just glad the baby of fine" I say placing my hand on my belly
Platt~ " your pregnant again!!" She almost screams
Erin~ " yeah I am"
Platt~ " oh my god congratulations!!!"
She says hugging me
Erin~ "me and jay are really excited!"
Platt~ " I'm sure you are!"
Erin~ " yeah I'm glad Spence will have a brother or sister"
Platt~ " how far along are you?"
Erin~ " the doctor said I'm 3 months along"
Platt~ "that's great Erin, I mean really great!"
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I will be trying to update once a day hopefully!

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