Chapter 33

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Jay's POV
Kim is throwing me and Erin a gender reveal party today and I'm so excited to see if we are having another son or if we are having a daughter which I'm kinda hoping that which ever this baby is it will be either a daddy's girl or a daddy's boy because Spence is all round a momma's boy. Kim came over around 11 this morning so her and Erin could decorate for the party which is at 3. I walk out side and I see this huge banner that said ' guns or bows'
Erin~ " hey baby what do you think?"
Jay~ " I love this! It looks amazing"
Erin~ "where's Spence?"
Jay~ " he's laying down sleeping, he was extremely cranky"
Erin~ "okay, yeah it was around his nap time"
Kim~ " jay you still have your baseball bats right?"
Jay~ " yeah I do, why?"
Kim~ " you see this, this has pink or blue pigment in it and Erin is going to throw it to you and your gonna hit with your baseball bat and once you do the glass will break and the pink or blue pigment will come out"
Jay~ " okay Kim you lost me after you said I'm going to hit the ball with my bat" Erin and Kim started laughing at me knowing I wasn't focusing
Kim~ "you know what go inside, go"
Jay~ " okay, okay I'm going" Spence stayed asleep until he heard hanks voice and woke up from his nap
Hank~ " hey buddy! How's my favorite little guy!" Spencer screamed out of excitement he doesn't get to see hank a hole lot but when he does he gets excited
Erin~ " Jay get your ass out here the party is starting!"
Jay~ " that's our cue" me , hank, and Spencer walked out and joined the party
Erin's POV
Kim was talking to me about how her and Adam are going to try to get back together again which I think is a great idea! But if Adam hurts Kim again I'm going to beat his ass. A few minuets after the party got started and everyone was here Kim told jay to get his baseball bat so we could see what we're having,
Kim~ " alright Erin is going to throw this ball at Jay-"
Adam~ " this is going to be interesting!"
Kim~ " shut ya face Adam! Always this ball has either pink or blue pigment in it obviously pink means girl and blue means boy" Kim hands me the ball and I throw it to jay and when he hits it pink pigment comes out of the ball and everyone starts screaming
Jay~ " oh my god Spence is going to have a little sister!!"
Erin~ " I know!" I give him a kiss and start the actual party now
Platt~ " Erin congrats!"
Erin~ " thanks Trudy, jay is more excited than me I think" I say laughing
Platt~ " he looks it, let me guess he wants this little girl to be a daddy's girl?"
Erin~ " yup, Spence is the definition of a momma's boy"
Jay~ " hey babe look at Spence" he says turning Spencer around showing a shirt that says ' big brother Spencer Halstead"
Erin~ " oh my god that's so fricken cute! Come here buddy!"
Jay's POV
The party lasts till 6 and Adam was drunk and when I say drunk I mean DRUNK!
Jay~ " come on buddy let's get you home"
Kim~ " I'll take him home I'm going home before I get too drunk"
Jay~ " okay I'll see you Monday"
Kim~ " yup see ya"
I head back in the house and I'm looking for Erin and she's in this beautiful black dress
Jay~ " oh my god Er you look so beautiful!!"
Erin~ " thank you, so hank is watching Spence for the night so I figured we could do some place fancy and celebrate"
Jay~ " I love that idea! Let go get changed!"
Erin~ " alright handsome" she says giving me a kiss
Jay~ " oh before I forget my high school reunion is tomorrow night if you want to go, I'm not going if your not going"
Erin~ " jay if course I'll come, I wanna see what your friends say you were like when you were in high school!"
Jay~ " okay"
Tomorrow night* still jay's POV
Me and Erin are getting ready for my highschool reunion and she left the door to the bathroom opened and I look and she has this amazing dark red dress on that hugs her baby bump perfectly
Erin~ " you know a wiseman once told me it's rude to stair Mr Halstead"
Jay~ " I'm sorry I can't help it my wife looks so beautiful in this dress" I heard the door bell ring and then open
Kim~ " i'm here and I just made your life 10x better!" Me and Erin start laughing at Kim because she does that every time she comes over
Erin~ " hey Kim"
Kim~ " hey so don't worry about coming home early I've got Spence and I know where your fridge is"
Jay~ " my beer is off limits burgess"
Kim~ " dome worry your beer is safe if yo hand Adam drink the same kind" me and Erin head to my old high school and it's changed a lot since I was is 9th grade. I find a parking spot that's close to the exit so if we need to we can leave in a hurry. Once I park me and Erin head inside with her arm around mind and we get inside and I see one of my best friends from high school
Trevor~ " I'll be damned Jay Halstead is that you!"
Jay~ " Trevor Jackson it's good to see you man!"
Trevor~ " who's this beautiful lady?"
Jay~ " this is my wife Erin"
Trevor~ " Wow you've done good Halstead, I'm glad to see things turned out good for you! Is this your first kid?"
Erin~ " no we have a son at home"
Trevor~ " wow what are you having?"
Jay~ " a little girl"
Trevor~ " congrats man!"
Jay~ " thanks! Babe you ready to go inside?"
Erin~ " sure I wanna see where you probably got hit in the face many times with a dodgeball"
Trevor~ " your girl is funny jay"
Jay~ " yeah she is! And she's all mine"
Trevor~ " you know I'm glad you found somebody that will put up with your dumbass" Erin started laughing at Trevor
Jay~ " yeah she does, I'm extremely lucky to have her!"
Trevor~ " yeah you are" me, Erin, and Trevor head in to the gym room and I see this guy who used to pick on me in high school and I guess I tensed up because Erin wrapped her arm around my waist and rubbed her hand up and down my waist letting me know it's okay. This song that Erin loves I swear she changes what songs she loves every week anyways her favorite song 'I wouldn't mind' be He Is We was on to Erin grabbed my hand and we went and danced to it and Erin started singing into my ear
Erin~ "forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side, carefully we'll place for our destiny. You came and you took this heart and set it free" me and Erin finished dancing and grabbed something to eat and sat down and this jackass who used to pick on me came over.
Luke~ " if it isn't Halstead!"
Jay~ " hey Luke"
Luke~ " who is this pretty lady you have here?" He walked over and sat next to Erin and put his arm around her
Erin~ " I'm his wife and if you don't move your hand I will REmove it"
Luke~ " damn she's a bitch"
Jay~ " watch your mouth luke!"
Luke~ " or what your gonna punch me! If remember correctly I was the one punching you all though high school!!"
Erin~ " come on baby not here"
Jay~ " you know what why don't we go find Trevor and hang out with him"
Erin's POV
Me and jay tried to walk away from Luke but he's a jackass
Luke~ " I wasn't done talking"
Jay~ " well I'm done listening" the best thing I know Luke punches Jay and Jay starts swinging at Luke
Erin~ "HEY, HEY, YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF! TREVOR!!" I scream for Trevor and he comes running and breaks up the fight
Erin~ " baby are you okay!"
Jay~ " yeah I'm okay"
Erin~ " let's go home and hang out with Spence" me and jay walk down the hallways and Trevor comes running up
Trevor~ " jay you okay buddy!"
Jay~ " yeah I'm fine, me and Erin are heading home for the night"
Trevor~ " okay um give me your number and maybe we can get a beer sometime"
Jay~ " sounds good buddy!" Jay gives Trevor his number and we head home for the night.
Jay's POV
We get in the car and i pull up to a stop light and look over at Erin to see she had laid her seat back and was asleep, when we got home I carried her inside bridle style and went and laid her in our bed, I went and woke Kim up and let her know we were home so she could go home, I check on Spence and he's fast asleep so I walk back into our room to see Erin's dress on the floor and her in the bathroom getting changed into one of my old military tee shirts
Erin~ " hey"
Jay~ " hey back, let's get some sleep I'm sure your tired"
Erin~ " okay." Erin falls asleep in my arms and I fall asleep shortly after she does
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter!

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